Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Monday, September 10, 2018

The Virgin Diet 2018 Reboot

      The Virgin Diet Reboot

        My New Years Resolution For  201

         Keep On Keeping On

Celebrating My Virgin Diet Success

                 Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Happy New Year Diary,
Today, I celebrate my second year as a JJ Virgin Diet Follower and needless to say it has been the most spectacular journey ever.
Back in 2016, I was absolutely fed-up with crash diets, foods of  no nutritional value, strenuous exercises and nibbler eating habits in order to control my weight. I was on a diet road to nowhere, until I tried The JJ Virgin Diet.
It was like a dream a come true. I lost 40lbs on the JJ Virgin Diet and you can too.
There is absolutely nothing like it and its soooo easy, you simply drop 7 foods, for 7 days and lose 7 pound.Get the book and get started today.
Thanks Diary,

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

My First Year with The Virgin Diet

The Saga Continues
Diary of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Yeah... 2017!
 I am happy to say that I stuck it out with the JJ Virgin Diet and followed it for a full year. I can't say its has been easy but I can say that its been quite beneficial.
Overall, the experience has been totally awesome. When I started following The Virgin Diet back in January of 2016 and really didn't know exactly what to expect since I had never tried anything like it before.

At first, I thought that the idea of dropping 7 foods, for 7 days and lose 7 pounds was ludicrous. I asked myself...self, could weight be just that easy to lose? I just could not phantom the idea in doing something so simple, could help me gain any positive result, let alone in such a short period of time. 
Drop seven foods, for seven days, lose pounds... It sounded so absolutely insane and ridiculous. But, I was desperate and while shaking my head in disbelief, I tossed out all of the recommended 7 foods , one by one ( corn, peanuts, soy, eggs, diary, sugar and artificial sweeteners and gluten and began to restock my cupboards and refrigerator with all of the allowable foods (clean protein, such as grass-fed beef and cage -free, grass-fed poultry, organic fruit and vegetables, wild-caught seafood and much much more) allowed on The Virgin Diet regime, I found tons of information as well as do's and don'ts for following The Virgin Diet at www.jjvirgin.com
After one week, I lost 8 pounds, but not only that I began to feel something different. At first it was hard to identify or even explain what was happening. I just know that I felt great! It felt good soooo... I kept going.  
I completed the first 21-days, the detox phase in Cycle 1 of The Virgin Diet.
OMG! It was, like, amazing. I began to sleep better( more restful sleep-where-in I woke up more refreshed in the morning), I gained increased focus and developed better concentration(no more foggy-brain) I lost more than 15 pounds and... felt a sense of weightlessness... if that at all possible on planet Earth. 
That not all!
The best and most crucial  part of The Virgin Diet is the daily, morning Berry Smoothie. The Berry Smoothie is absolutely critical to the success of The Virgin Diet because is nutritious, filling, and satisfies hunger for 3-4(for me, sometimes longer).
My favorite Berry Smoothie is the Strawberry Blast-Off Smoothie.
It's the best way to start my day....Yummy!

Here's a recipe for the Strawberry Blast Off Smoothie:
Strawberry Blast-Off Smoothie
1 cup of So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk
1 cup of organic frozen strawberry(fresh berries can also be used)
1-2 scoops Growing Naturals Vanilla Blast Pea Protein
1½ tablespoon freshly ground flaxseeds
Stevia to taste
Place ingredients in the blender cup as listed (to minimize protein and flaxseed sticking to the sides of the cup.
Then blend all ingredients together(I use a Nutrabullet) until
smooth. Pour into a glass or cup and drink up.
In a word...Yummy!
Strawberry Blast-Off Smoothie
After 21-days of The Virgin Diet ii began the next phase, Cycle 2, that where I re-entered Dairy, Eggs, and Gluten back into my diet to see if I had a food intolerance to them. I passed the test for Dairy, Eggs, but had some issues with Gluten. So I added Dairy and Eggs to my diet, however, I can only have them a couple of day per week(not everyday)
It all good!
The Virgin Diet is the "right stuff". For me, its the best WAY TO START a New Year and create a healthier lifestyle.
All  and all, I lost a total of 40 pounds and have managed to maintain my weight with simply following The Virgin Diet. It's just incredible!
I really love it. 
I'd like to thank JJ Virgin for The Virgin Diet.
Thank you JJ Virgin.
So Diary, it's been real.

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year and New Day Resolutions

Celebrating The Virgin Diet
Dairy of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower


Happy New Year Diary!
It's 2017 and  guess what! Guess!
It's 2017 and I am still... did I say still, yes still, so as I was saying, I am still a JJ Virgin Dieter Follower! Indeed!
2016 was a fantastic year that brought about some amazingly  positive results received great results.
Now, it time to reboot The Virgin Diet with a 2017 detox and cleansing for the new year.
Here's my to do list.



January 2017
Task Description
The Virgin Diet
Purge! Purge! Purge!
Toss Out: Corn, Soy, Peanuts, Sugar and artificial substitutes, Gluten, Eggs, and Diary. Then, get started.

The Virgin Diet
Squeaky Clean

Enjoy that great feeling!

Let get started...


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Seasons Greetings

      Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Happy Kwanza


All The Virgin Diet Followers


The Diary of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower
The Virgin Diet Lifestyle
Hello Diary,
I know, I know it's been some time since my last entry. I have been travelling... let's see, I went to visit some family and special friends in New Orleans, and throughout Central Florida. 
And yes, I did not follow the diet every single day that traveled and was away from home, because it was not easy to do. There was no blender to manage my morning smoothie, and I could not always get a gluten-free, organic veggies and fruits, or get grass-fed beef or chicken.
However, while I was in the moment, I was mindful of my diet and eating the right food as I traveled from place to place.
As soon as I returned home I got right back to The Virgin Diet, .. starting with my wonderful Berry Smoothie in the morning and then, some of those delectable organic fruits and veggies, and grass-fed beef and wild caught fish.
While travelling and eating some of the foods outside the diet, I noticed that symptoms like gut groans, bloaty belly, inability to focus, interrupted sleep, and so many other symptom returned. That's right, my food intolerant symptoms came right back.  In-A-Hurry! It was not nice either.
However, ironically, I did not gain my weight back. Nope! Not yet, anyway.
The holiday can really put a damper on some diets, but not The Virgin Diet. In the coming days, on January 1, I will be celebrating one year as a JJ Virgin Diet Follower.
On January 1,  2017 , I will be repeating Cycle 1 of The Virgin Diet and detox for 21 Day.
It's going to be great!

But until then, I will continue to drink my Berry Smoothies and stick with Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet.
Get ready, get ready, get ready!
Thanks Diary for a marvelous 2016!
Have a Merry Berrie Christmas!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

To All Of Those Virgin Diet Nay Sayers

💗💗💗I Say...

You are missing out.

Cycle 3
Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower 

Dear Diary,
It's been some time since I last wrote about my wonderful journey as a Virgin Diet follower. And yes, believe me when I say, I'm still raving about this fabulous diet.
When I'm out and about, people stop me and ask what I am I doing. They say things like, "You look great!", "How did you lose weight?"," It's expensive right?", How much weight did you lose and how long did it take?",  "So..., all I have to do is to stop 7 foods for 7 days and lose 7 pounds... seriously?" So many questions with just one easy answer which is The Virgin Diet. 
However, and yet, at the same time, I have the naysayers, those non-believers with their negative comments like; "Yeah, so you lost some weight it won't be long before you gain it all back!" What a comment. Who does that? I absolutely could hardly believe that someone would say something like that to someone else that has made a healthy lifestyle choice to follow The Virgin Diet. Anyway, it's the naysayers that keep me motivate me to stay focus and continue following this awesome Virgin Diet lifestyle.
I love The Virgin Diet and all the benefits that it offers. Why anyone that wishes to lose weight, gain a better control of eating healthy, feel better, gain sharper mindfulness, looking better and creating a marvelously healthy lifestyle. If can do it anyone can.
Right now, The Virgin Diet has become my best friend. There is nothing like it.
Since I have been following The Virgin Diet some of the naysayers have actually become followers too.
So. to all the naysayers.... Get On The Virgin Diet Train and get ready to has great time and realize some amazing benefits that can last for a lifetime. Don't miss out on one! It a terrific opportunity.
How to get started....
Stop 7 these foods: Corn, Peanuts, Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners, Eggs, Diary, Gluten, Soy
For 7 days
Lose 7 pounds
Believe me it works!
Just try it!
Until later,
Diary thanks for being here for me.


Drink Plenty of Water

Daily Berry Smoothies Are Key

Check weight once a week

Monday, November 14, 2016

Drop Seven Foods Challenge

The Virgin Diet Way

Cycle 3 The Lifestyle
Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
10 month
Dear Diary,
My journey as a Virgin Diet Follower has been the best ever. Now in my ten month of the diet and fast approaching my one year (yep, twelve months) of staying true to the cause. I have to say that I enjoy every moment of it. And, its all attributed to stopping seven food- soy, gluten, diary, eggs, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts and  corn.
When I initially stopping eating the seven foods it was quite a challenge because I discovered that there was a little bit and in some cases a lot of soy, gluten, diary, eggs, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts and  corn in everything that I was eating. Oftentimes I would find the seven foods neatly disguised as  additives with very long and hard to pronounce names.
Eventually, I came to a realization that eating those foods were the very things that made me gain excessive weight, feel tired, feel drowsy and sleepy (during the day), confused, foggy brain, suffered from joint pain, excessive sinus drainage(after eating certain foods), stomach distension and noisy stomach and so much more.
The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin say to drop seven food, for seven days, and lose seven pounds. In seven day, after dropping the seven foods: soy, gluten, diary, eggs, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts and  corn, I 'd lost not seven pounds, but eight. That's when I became a believer in The Virgin Diet and its ability to help me lose weight and feel better. After the seven days, I continued for 21 more days to complete the first cycle of The Virgin Diet.  
The Drop Seven Foods Challenge lasted for 21 days and I not only felt better, but, I could no longer fit in to my clothes because they were too big. Within the first 21 days of the Drop Seven Food Challenge, I had lost 15 pounds. Amazing! That was back in January 2016. 

 Right now, here its November 2016 (the 10 month since I began The Virgin Diet regime), I maintain a total weight loss of 35 lbs. and am feeling much healthier.
Of course, today, I am in Cycle 3 of the diet and I eat eggs(sparingly), an occasional diary and gluten(rarely). I continue to have my Berry Berry Smoothie in the morning and all other meals include grass-fed beef and poultry, wild caught seafood(no farm-raised), clean eggs(antibiotic and hormone-free), organically grown fruits and vegetables and plenty of clean filtered or bottled water.
The Virgin Diet is wonderful and so easy to maintain... it has become a workable part of my lifestyle.
I just love it!
So Diary, thanks for listening.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Get On The Virgin Diet Train

The Train is Leaving the Station

All Aboard!


Cycle 3

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Hey Diary,
I wasn't trying to ignore you, but I have following this cra-cra-craazy presidential elections.
Lately,  the presidential electoral drama has been better than any of the daytime soaps. Even tough my nose has been glued to the tube, I still maintain my daily Virgin Diet routine. That a must!
I boarded the JJ Virgin Diet train and became a follower way back in January 2016.  So far, this train ride, my Virgin Diet journey has been more than  I could have ever imagined.
The feedback from my friends and family has extremely positive.  Why, some people have even stop me on the street and asked me what did I do to stay in such great shape. I tell them all about JJ Virgin and the wonderful diet she created for people just like me.
I also have gotten some new followers (about 1-2 per week). It's incredible!
Woo! Woooooo!
Get On The Virgin Diet Train!
The Virgin Diet is been the best thing has that ever happened to me
and it is so easy to do. To get started, all I did was stop seven foods(corn, soy, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts, glutens, dairy and eggs) for seven days and Whola! lost not just 7 pounds, but eight. I lost 8 pounds in just 7 days. I was hooked and wanted to continue to see what else my newfound way of life offered..
Woo! Wooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
Meanwhile, as I continued on this Virgin Diet journey, I began an improvement in the way I felt. No more sleepless nights(no more tossing and turning) but instead, I have deeper soothing sleep(just like a baby). Then I noticed that I no longer craved those fattening foods and snacks. Seriously! And then, my skin became smoother, rosier, and cleared. Next thing I noticed was my brain fog left. Yep!
Brain fog was out of there. Foggy brain - gone! Now, I experience, calmer, peaceful mood with sharpened concentration.
Woo! Wooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
Now, I have been on The Virgin Diet for nine months, lost 35 pounds and continue to maintain my weight loss.
There is nothing like The Virgin Diet, soooo,
Woooo! Wooooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
So Diary Saty Strong and Ride On!

and still maintain my weight
 a JJ Virgin Diet Follower way back in January 2016, I have been enjoying the