Tools For The Virgin Diet Life
Cycle 3
Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
As a follower of The Virgin Diet, I can surely say that it's been one of the most positive lifestyle changes I could have made. The Virgin Diet has really changed my life.
And here's are some of the reasons how it's made a difference in my life:
- I celebrate my weight loss goal of 30 lbs., in which I ended up losing total of 35lbs. instead(okay call me an overachiever)
- My sleep time is wonderfully enriched(wake-up refreshed not groggy)
- I have more energy throughout my day
- My focus is sharper and the brain fog has dissipated
- I have a greater knowledge about foods and how they can affect my system
- It's helped me develop a sense of healthy consciousness
- I drink more water and know the importance of doing so
- I have a feeling of lightness
- It's urged me exercise daily, even if I just do short walks
- I now practice food portion control with each meal
- The smoothie is the key to the success of The Virgin Diet
I can go on and on and on about The Virgin Diet because there are so many amazing thing about it. However, now that I am in Cycle 3 of the diet, it's imperative that I create a Virgin Diet centered system for continued success.
So, I've decided to build a Virgin Diet Tool Box.
I remember when I was a kid, my mom and dad would take us fishing. I used to have a little tackle box(it was a colorful little box) with all the things that I needed to catch a big fish. Inside my little tackle box, I had hooks, tiny, the cutest little red and white plastic bobble corks,fishing line, tiny lead weights, and a little snack in case I got hungry or bore, which ever came first(mom always packed a snack for me). Before I went on my fishing trip, I would check my tool box to make sure I had everything that I needed then off I'd go.
I remember when I was a kid, my mom and dad would take us fishing. I used to have a little tackle box(it was a colorful little box) with all the things that I needed to catch a big fish. Inside my little tackle box, I had hooks, tiny, the cutest little red and white plastic bobble corks,fishing line, tiny lead weights, and a little snack in case I got hungry or bore, which ever came first(mom always packed a snack for me). Before I went on my fishing trip, I would check my tool box to make sure I had everything that I needed then off I'd go.
So... I started thinking that just as I was prepare to catch the biggest fish, I'd need to prepare myself for continued success with The Virgin Diet to ensure dietary sustainability . In order to accomplish that, I need a Virgin Diet Success Tool Box. A tool box chocked with all the tools needed to create a Virgin Diet Life. Hmmm... So what things should I pack in my Virgin Diet Success Tool Box.
The first thing I need for this Virgin Diet lifestyle journey is a copy of JJ Virgin's Virgin Diet book. Oh yes, I'll definitely need to include The Virgin Diet book. Although I have read it, I will need to refer back to it often.
Well, let's see, what else should pack in my tool box? Since I like to start my day with my berry protein smoothie because it's a healthy nutritious blend that energizes me and satisfying until lunch time(Oh yeah, I've got to my sure that's in my tool box. Okay, what else. Oh, oh , oh, I know, what about some Clean lean protein such as; grass-fed chicken, beef , pasture-fed pork, wild caught-salmon, scallops and shrimp (yum-mee!), and what about some High-fiber-low glycemic carbs like: apples, beets, black beans, lentils, lima beans, brown rice, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. Healthy fats help controls hunger and is a mood balancer as well as supports vein and artery health. Okay, so, I'm going to need some of that in my tool box too. Healthy fats are in foods such as: coconut oil and milk, olive oil, raw nuts(no peanuts-never), raw seed(chia, flax, hemp), or wild cold water-fish. The next thing is some organic Nonstarchy vegetables like: kale, mushrooms(love it), red onions, arugula(great in salad), broccoli, swiss chard, greens( collards, turnip and mustards), spinach and garlic.
Finally, I have to make sure and put The Virgin Plate in my tool box because that will help with portion size and prevent overeating.
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