Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

While Losing Weight Treat Yourself

Try Dry Brush Massage

Cycle 3
Diary of A Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Now that I am in Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet, it's important not only to continue following the regimen, but to also reward myself along the way. The Virgin Diet is very easy to follow, and all that I have to do to lose weight, maintain my weight lose and sustain better health is to simply staying away from those foods that I am intolerant .
Sounds simply, however, even something that seems so simply can be  the most difficult at times. But, and that a Big But, Do-able!
Lately, since my weight loss, I have noticed that my skin seems to be a little dry and flaky in some areas, especially the legs arms, and elbows. I 've used lotions, and nothing seemed to work, that's when I turned to Dry Brush Massage.
Sooo, Diary, What's a dry brush massage?
Dry Brush Massage serves as a detox and is a wonderful way to exfoliate and cleanse clogged pores, increase energy and blood circulation, minimize cellulite, and makes me feel rejuvenated. Its a real treat.
Sooo, Diary, How do I do it...,this dry brush massage?
Great question! First thing needed is a 100%  natural bristle spa brush . I was lucky enough to find a spa brush set with a full video on how to use it at http://spa.how . Watch the video for full instructions at SpaVerde.
Now, this is a real nice treat! Daily dry brush massaging is quite beneficial for total body health. After my dry brush massage session, I make sure that I shower, or bath to rid my skin of the dead skin and toxins. The results have been astounding.
For me, the dry brush massage has been exuberating and is a great way for me to help maintain healthy skin balance. 
So Diary, treat I'm treating myself daily to this amazing dry brush massage. I'm loving it!

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