Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Monday, February 15, 2016

After the Love


Back To Square One

After the Love 

Cycle 1

Day 40
Oh No Diary!
You are not going to believe what happened yesterday afternoon... after being so hyped up on my "Feel The Love" high.. 
I received an invitation to go to a restaurant for a Valentine's Day lunch.  I was so excited about the invite and wondered if the restaurant would have any of my Virgin Diet allowable foods on the menu. After looking long and hard at the menu....and without really thinking I ordered a Fresh Grouper Sandwich on a Chibata Bun, with lettuce and tomato and no mayonnaise. I also selected a baked sweet potato as a side instead of French fries.   
Bad idea! I got a quarter way through the sandwich before realizing that something was wrong: 1. For some reason, my favorite grouper sandwich did not taste as good as it used to(it was one of my favorite choices before The Virgin Diet) and 2. The bread was...you guessed it, dun,dun,duuun, gluten, gluten, gluten! Oops! 
Oh no, I just broke the Cycle 1 forbidden food rule. Now what do I do. This is really bad.  Cycle 1 is 21 of abstinence from the 7 foods, Gluten, Soy, Diary, Peanuts, Eggs, Sugar and artificial sweeteners, and Corn.  I've been really working hard not to touch any of those 7 forbidden food and in just one... one, afternoon on Valentines Day. I was taken down by the big "G", Gluten in the form of a beautiful Chibata Bun.
Afterwards, I didn't feel so good, rumbling stomach, puffy and a bit disappointed in myself.
Anyway, it was not the end of the world because JJ Virgin has thought of everything that could possibly happen with this diet regimen. Even if you accidently eat some of the NO NO foods during Cycle 1. She says, "If you make a mistake and don't discover it until later, you may not have to start the Virgin Diet over again". Just make sure you stay away from that food for 21 days. 
For instance, now that ate part of the Chibata bun(gluten), I have to wait 21 days before I can test gluten in my diet. So, when I reach my weight loss goal of 25-30 lbs., before the next 21 days, I should test one of the other foods, like eggs, or dairy.
That was like music to my ears...♪♪ ♫♪
Wow! I thought that I had screwed up the Virgin Diet.
So now, I can continue having my Breakfast Smoothie, stay away from gluten for 21 more days, and keep on working toward my weight loss goal. So far, I have lost 16 lbs. and 8 inches in my waist.
Its good to know that JJ Virgin has lots of information right at my fingertips in The Virgin Diet book and at www.jjvirgin.com .
In the future, I will be more careful and pay closer attention to the menu when eating out.
For great healthy recipes Virgin Diet style checkout www.skinnyum.blogspot.com 
Happy Ending!
Thanks Diary,
Until later

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