Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

It"s Worst Than Sugar...

It's What's Worst Sugar?

Artificial Sweeteners

Cycle 1

Day 42

Hey Diary,
What's worst than sugar? According to The Virgin Diet, artificial sweeteners are worst than sugar and another one of the forbidden foods.
In the past, I, myself have had adverse experiences with artificial sweeteners in particular, Aspartame, and therefore I don't intentionally use them. Some of  those adverse effects were: 
  1. Severe headaches
  2. Nausea
  3. Sleep problems
  4. Joint pain
  5. Stomach pain
  6. Brain fog
Time and time again, I tried to use artificial sweeteners  to have the same affect over and over. The headaches and joint pain were the worst. I stopped the artificial sweeteners and the headaches and  joint pain as well as everything else went away. I repeated it-tried it again, headaches,joint pain , stomach pain, etc.. returned. Stopped, and it went away. hmmm. That's when I realized that I was unable to use Aspartame in diet. Period.
The Sweetness Trap chapter of The Virgin Diet book helped me to better identify where artificial sweeteners are hidden:
  • Nutra Sweet                Acesulfame  potassium
  • Saccharin                    Alitame
  • Splenda                       Cyclmate
  • Sucralose                   Aspartame
So what should I use for my sweetening option?  JJ Virgin's Sweetest Options states that if you must sweeten your food, she will allow the sugar alcohol-xylitol and the sweet herb stevia. She goes on to say that if you use straight stevia, it might cause something called calorie deregulation, and she likes to mix the two of them-xylitol and stevia.
It's amazing, that since I 've stopped sugar and artificial sweeteners, my taste buds have sharpened and food has never tasted to good.
Who knew that artificial sweeteners were worse than sugar?
I didn't until now.
Until Later,
Goodbye Diary,

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