I Found The Plateau Culprit
Cycle 1
Day 66
Dear Diary,
While following the Virgin Diet, I've hit the plateau for the second
time and so far, been unable to bust the plateau. Although , this time, the
plateau seems almost impossible to overcome, I know that I will somehow find a
way to do it. Why, I am so close to my weight loss
goal with just 5 lbs. more to lose... It must be something that
I am eating that may be causing me not to lose weight or perhaps I should
apply a little more patience and just wait. Anyway, I decided to
After taking a closer look at all the foods, vitamins and supplements
and everything that I've consumed on a daily basis for past week,
I've found the plateau culprit, the reason for the halt on my
weight loss progress. I mean I really went through everything
with a fine tooth comb checking to see if any of the 7 forbidden foods
got pass me and slipped into my diet.
Here's what I found...
Two weeks ago, I'd just purchased and began taking a terrific
daily organic Vitamin C vitamin capsule, packed with lots and lots of organic fruits and
vegetables. Sounds great right? Well, I thought so too. So, I took it day
after day until I realized that my weight loss progress stopped. I
did not gain any more weight, but I didn't lose anything either. I have been locked
in the same weight for 7 days now. It just won't budge.
But, I read the ingredient list that was just beneath all the good organic
ingredients on the supplemental facts label and...THERE IT WAS! There was a list of about ten additives
that I had no idea what they were. Since I have been reading and
checking labels, these additives were totally unfamiliar to me and knew
that they were not part of the Virgin Diet program. However, one ingredient that stuck out like a sore thumb was an artificial sugar. That's right artificial sugar, one of the forbidden foods. Of course, I stopped taking them right away! Read the bottom line, that usually where I found these hidden ingredients.
Who knew? I mean seriously, a vitamin.... Unbelievable!
From now on, I need to write down everything that I eat. JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet suggest that I keep a food journal and write down everything that I eat or drink - even how many glasses of water that I drank a day-Everything! "Journaling works because you can only change what you can measure", she says.
That's it, I'm going to start a food journal, first thing. There is more information about how to get start a food journal at .
There are some studies that show that people who keep a food journal lose weight faster.
So diary, let's start food journaling the Virgin Diet Way!
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