Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Get On The Virgin Diet Train

The Train is Leaving the Station

All Aboard!


Cycle 3

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Hey Diary,
I wasn't trying to ignore you, but I have following this cra-cra-craazy presidential elections.
Lately,  the presidential electoral drama has been better than any of the daytime soaps. Even tough my nose has been glued to the tube, I still maintain my daily Virgin Diet routine. That a must!
I boarded the JJ Virgin Diet train and became a follower way back in January 2016.  So far, this train ride, my Virgin Diet journey has been more than  I could have ever imagined.
The feedback from my friends and family has extremely positive.  Why, some people have even stop me on the street and asked me what did I do to stay in such great shape. I tell them all about JJ Virgin and the wonderful diet she created for people just like me.
I also have gotten some new followers (about 1-2 per week). It's incredible!
Woo! Woooooo!
Get On The Virgin Diet Train!
The Virgin Diet is been the best thing has that ever happened to me
and it is so easy to do. To get started, all I did was stop seven foods(corn, soy, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts, glutens, dairy and eggs) for seven days and Whola! lost not just 7 pounds, but eight. I lost 8 pounds in just 7 days. I was hooked and wanted to continue to see what else my newfound way of life offered..
Woo! Wooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
Meanwhile, as I continued on this Virgin Diet journey, I began an improvement in the way I felt. No more sleepless nights(no more tossing and turning) but instead, I have deeper soothing sleep(just like a baby). Then I noticed that I no longer craved those fattening foods and snacks. Seriously! And then, my skin became smoother, rosier, and cleared. Next thing I noticed was my brain fog left. Yep!
Brain fog was out of there. Foggy brain - gone! Now, I experience, calmer, peaceful mood with sharpened concentration.
Woo! Wooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
Now, I have been on The Virgin Diet for nine months, lost 35 pounds and continue to maintain my weight loss.
There is nothing like The Virgin Diet, soooo,
Woooo! Wooooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
So Diary Saty Strong and Ride On!

and still maintain my weight
 a JJ Virgin Diet Follower way back in January 2016, I have been enjoying the


Monday, October 3, 2016

Get A Life! The Virgin Diet Way

Making The Virgin Diet My Lifetime Achievement

Cycle 3

"Living The Virgin Diet Life"

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Soooo, The Virgin Diet's manta is....
"Lose Fat Fast. Keep It Off Forever".
Which has become my new mantra as well!
I have been following The Virgin Diet for nearly nine months and am quite pleased with the results.
Well, the reason why is because I reached my goal weight loss within just 5 months of starting and I have been able to maintain the weight loss ever since.
So far, The Virgin Diet journey been totally amazing!
Presently I am in Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet and now seeking ways to assure my continued healthy weight loss success-making it a wonderful lifetime achievement. Here are some great ideas and easy to remember ways;

Get A Life!

Get The Virgin Diet

·      Avoid sugar at all cost-sugar made me fat. No fruit juices and high-glycemic

   juices(high fructose). No! No! and No!

   sugar, soy, corn, and peanuts at least   

   95% of the time according to JJ Virgin.  

   Follow the "three bite rule" the other 

   5% of the time. Totally avoid artificial

   sweeteners all     

   the time.

·      Eat the tolerable foods in it's healthiest form, such as farm raised and grass-fed diary and eggs. Can be consume every other day.

·      Rechallenge intolerable foods every 3 months. Diary, gluten, eggs or soy can be repeated, but its optional.

·      Every 12 months go back to Chapter 8, and repeated the 21 days of The Virgin Diet, then move on to Chapter 9 and Rechallenge, challenge any or all 4 foods. It is imperative that this is done yearly. Must be done yearly!
Diary, I'm in for the long haul-The Virgin Diet has proven to be the best thing for me. And so, I sticking with it!
Until later.
By the way, remember the..."Secrets in the sauce"!