Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Virgin Diet Reality Check

The Old Diary

Cycle 3

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary, 
While rummaging through my old trunk of things that only I think meaningful to no one else but me, I found something interesting. I found my old diary, with some real juicy writings inside. Umm, Humm....
Yup, really juicy writings too.
Anyway, written right in the front of this diary,(by the way this is a Five Year Diary that I just stopped writing in, I  suppose life kind of got in the way) and on the "This book belongs to "page, I found something that had long been forgotten. Remember, the old diary was literally buried in the bottom of an old trunk of treasures (treasures in my mind, of course) for a very long time.
 Listed at the bottom of the page was a section with body identifiers like: waist, chest, height and my weight.
When I saw what my weight was in this old diary, I could hardly believe my eyes. It was a definite reality check. My weight was at 131 pounds just 20 years.  Wow! My weight, 131 pounds, my waist was 25 ½ inches and my chest was 34. Incredibly.
My Five Year Diary

Weight, Height, Waist and Chest Measurements from Dairy

When I started The Virgin Diet back in January 2016, I was 195 pounds. I had no idea of how much weight that I had really gained throughout the years. No idea. Until, until I saw it in this old diary.
This revelation is somewhat startling.
But, thanks to The Virgin Diet, my weight is now 160 pounds, and
have completed, Cycle 1 and 2 of the diet, presently in Cycle 3 enjoying The Virgin Diet Life. Nice!
As a result of the diet, I've not only lost weight, but feel great, feel lighter, possess boundless energy, sleep better( like a baby), better focus and concentration(no foggy brain) during the day, my skin feels softer, food taste so much better. and so much more.
Looking through my old Five Year Diary brought back such great memories. That was then and this in now. And now, while on my incredible Virgin Diet journey, I am creating new memories of a healthier lifestyle.  I 'm writing a new diary about the wonders of The Virgin Diet.
So, from Diary to diary, keep on, keeping on!

Monday, June 20, 2016

A Smoothie A Day Is The Way!

The Virgin Diet Life

Cycle 3

Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary, 
Now that I'm living The Virgin Diet Life, I often find myself reflecting back on some of the things that I did before I actually became a Virgin Diet Follower. Like the times when I used to go to a blockbuster movie and before I was seated in the theater, I grabbed a bucket of popcorn with extra butter(Yuk). Or, or what about the huge slice of Red Velvet Cake with Sour Cream Icing! Or, the times that I used to have a gigantic waffle cone piled a mile high with salted caramel ice cream, toppled with chopped nuts. Ohh boy!!  Or, a breakfast of pancakes made from pancake mix, swimming in a pool of butter and syrup. Hmmmm....(eyes closed shut with a vision of it all)
Oops! I drifted off for a moment! 
I'm back!! I'm back!!
Even with all of that, nothing...,and I mean nothing can replace my super delicious Berry Virgin Diet Smoothie. None that. No, I serious. None of those things could ever replace the wonderful taste and benefits of The Virgin Diet Smoothie. It's powerfully good to me and good to me. 
Here are some of the benefits of The Virgin Diet Smoothie and why I love it:
  1. It helps me lose  weight and keep the weight off
  2. It gives me that full feeling and eliminates overeating 
  3. It's nutritious and protein enriched
  4. It's a meal replacement
Those are just some of the many reasons why I stick with The Virgin Diet and it's nutritious smoothies.  The smoothie actually helps me stay on a balanced diet regimen, especially when I am too busy to cook or get to the grocery store. 
JJ Virgin says that she is fan of replacing a meal per day with  a smoothie.  Smoothies are quick and easy and I drink them when I am on the go too. 
Easy Peasy!
A smoothie a day is the way to weight loss success and a healthier lifestyle.
I am in Cycle 3 of  The Virgin Diet and maintain my 35 pound weight loss by having one protein berry smoothie a day and two Virgin Diet Plate meals(with clean protein, healthy fats, high fiber, low glycemic carbs, nuts, and nonstarchy vegetables).
Smoothie A Day
A Smoothie A Day
Will Keep Me Fit Okay!

Diary, The Virgin Diet Life is for me, what about you?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Virgin Diet Is A Family Affair!

Yes! It's A Family Affair,

Cycle 3

Diary of  A Virgin Diet  Follower
Hello Diary,
I'm jamming with Sly and The Family Stone and The Virgin Diet!
(Sly singing with his sister Rose)
Sly and The Family Stone
Family Affair

It's a family affair
It's a family affair
It's a family affair
It's a family affair
One child grows up to be
Somebody that just loves to learn
And another child grows up to be
Somebody you'd just love to burn
Mom loves the both of them
You see, it's in the blood
Both kids are good to mom
Blood's thicker than the mud......
For me, The Virgin  Diet is officially a Family Affair!
Here's why,.... recently my brother told me that he had purchased The Virgin Diet book and has been on The Virgin Diet regimen for the past month. Surprise! surprise! Surprise! But the real surprise is that he actually lost a total of 15 pounds. Yes, I said it... 15 pounds in four weeks! That's is awesomely incredible! So The Virgin Diet really does work for everyone. It seems that men tend to lose weight faster than women because they have more muscle mass than women. Whatever, it was he lost weight and fast too.
Now my brother likes his daily smoothie with almond milk instead of coconut milk. I think that it's great that JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet gives everyone a choice of coconut or almond milk, or coconut water in the daily protein smoothie.  It's just a matter of preference.
He stopped the seven foods corn, sugar and artificial sweetener, peanuts, eggs, gluten, dairy,  and soy, for 7 days, and lost 8 pounds. But My brother didn't just stop there, he stuck with The Virgin Diet plan and has lost 15 pounds. I'm am proud of him! Welcome abroad brother, this is Virgin Diet fantastic action!
In January 2016, I became a JJ Virgin Diet follower because of my sister's amazing record-breaking success after she had been on The Virgin Diet for just 1-2-3-4-5-that's five months. See, my sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure, obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy made a lifestyle decision. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds, lower blood pressure, boundless energy, and  looks super fabulous.
After seeing my sister's amazing results, I wanted to not only lose weight, but I wanted to look and feel, do and be super fabulous just like her, so I began my Virgin Diet journey too! I have to say the journey has been one incredible road to a healthier lifestyle  and happiness. After six months, I reached  my weight loss goal and am 35 pounds lighter, sleeping better, more focused with sharper concentration (no foggy brain), smoother skin, and feeling just  T-errific!
Diary, that why it's a just like Sly and The Family says, "It's A Family Affair"!
I am so grateful to my sister for thinking enough of her family to share The Virgin Diet with my brother and myself.
Most of all I thank JJ Virgin for sharing The Virgin Diet with the universe!
Later Diary!


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

While Losing Weight Treat Yourself

Try Dry Brush Massage

Cycle 3
Diary of A Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Now that I am in Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet, it's important not only to continue following the regimen, but to also reward myself along the way. The Virgin Diet is very easy to follow, and all that I have to do to lose weight, maintain my weight lose and sustain better health is to simply staying away from those foods that I am intolerant .
Sounds simply, however, even something that seems so simply can be  the most difficult at times. But, and that a Big But, Do-able!
Lately, since my weight loss, I have noticed that my skin seems to be a little dry and flaky in some areas, especially the legs arms, and elbows. I 've used lotions, and nothing seemed to work, that's when I turned to Dry Brush Massage.
Sooo, Diary, What's a dry brush massage?
Dry Brush Massage serves as a detox and is a wonderful way to exfoliate and cleanse clogged pores, increase energy and blood circulation, minimize cellulite, and makes me feel rejuvenated. Its a real treat.
Sooo, Diary, How do I do it...,this dry brush massage?
Great question! First thing needed is a 100%  natural bristle spa brush . I was lucky enough to find a spa brush set with a full video on how to use it at http://spa.how . Watch the video for full instructions at SpaVerde.
Now, this is a real nice treat! Daily dry brush massaging is quite beneficial for total body health. After my dry brush massage session, I make sure that I shower, or bath to rid my skin of the dead skin and toxins. The results have been astounding.
For me, the dry brush massage has been exuberating and is a great way for me to help maintain healthy skin balance. 
So Diary, treat I'm treating myself daily to this amazing dry brush massage. I'm loving it!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Are You Losing Weight?

Anyone Can Lose Weight on The Virgin Diet

Cycle 3
Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower
Hey Diary,
Guess what?
Anyone with the desire to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle can easily do so with the wondrous Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin.
I tell everyone I meet about how I learn to eat healthier, feel better and lose weight. Lose weight... that's the best part.
The other day I was at a gathering and a couple of people made several comments and about how fabulous I looked immediately wanted to know had I loss weight. When I told them yes, I have been on a very special diet and I've actually lost 35 lb. Now, of
course, that's when all the question rolled-out. Questions like:
How did you lose weight?, What do I have to do to lose weight? Is the diet expensive to do? How can I get started? Tell me! Tell me Tell me! They kept saying. So, I told them as they leaned forward and listened.
With the biggest smile on  my face(because that's really the first time someone said , You look fabulous! Are you losing weight?)
The Virgin Diet, that's it! The Virgin Diet, one of the most wonderful diets ever, and it can easily become a healthy lifestyle. I told them about some of the marvelous benefits of the diet such as
 better sleeping, lighter feel, relaxed, calmer feeling, less food craving, more focus and better concentration, and on and on I went.  I was so excited in telling them about The Virgin Diet I saw that they became mesmerized.
So, I quickly referred them to The Diary of a JJ Diary Diet Follower blog, jjvirgin.com and advised them to get a copy of The Virgin Diet book as soon as they could, ever if they had to request a copy from the local library. Although, buying a copy is better for 
quick reference at you fingertips at all times.
Now that I have achieved my weight loss goal, and completed my food intolerance test(added eggs and minimal diary back into my diet), and in the finally stage of The Virgin Diet, Cycle 3.
Cycle 3 is not very hard to maintain since most of the hard work was in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 of The Virgin Diet. It's actually pretty easy and is very quickly becoming my way of life. I love it!
It I can do so can you. And just wait until someone says to you...Are you losing weight? You look fabulous!
Diary , Thanks, Now let's keep on keeping on!


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

My Virgin Diet Tool Box

Tools For The Virgin Diet Life

Cycle 3
Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
As a follower of The Virgin Diet, I can surely say that it's been one of the most positive lifestyle changes I could have made. The Virgin Diet has really changed my life.
And here's are some of the reasons how it's made a difference in my life:
  • I celebrate my weight loss goal of 30 lbs., in which I ended up losing total of 35lbs. instead(okay call me an overachiever)
  • My sleep time is wonderfully enriched(wake-up refreshed not groggy)
  • I have more energy throughout my day
  • My focus is sharper and the brain fog has dissipated
  • I have a greater knowledge about foods and how they can affect my system
  • It's helped me develop a sense of healthy consciousness
  • I drink more water and know the importance of doing so
  • I have a feeling of lightness
  • It's urged me exercise daily, even if I just do short walks
  • I now practice food portion control with each meal
  • The smoothie is the key to the success of The Virgin Diet
I can go on and on and on about The Virgin Diet because there are so many amazing thing about it. However, now that I am in Cycle 3 of the diet, it's imperative that I create a Virgin Diet centered system for continued success.
So, I've decided to build a Virgin Diet Tool Box.
I remember when I was a kid, my mom and dad would take us fishing. I used to have a little tackle box(it was a colorful little box) with all the things that I needed to catch a big fish. Inside my little tackle box, I had hooks, tiny, the cutest little red and white plastic bobble corks,fishing line, tiny lead weights, and a little snack in case I got hungry or bore, which ever came first(mom always packed a snack for me). Before I went on my fishing trip, I would check my tool box to make sure I had everything that I needed then off I'd go.
So... I started thinking that just as I was prepare to catch the biggest fish, I'd need to prepare myself for continued success with The Virgin Diet to ensure dietary sustainability . In order to accomplish that, I need a Virgin Diet Success Tool Box. A tool box chocked with all the tools needed to create a Virgin Diet Life.  Hmmm... So what things should I pack in my Virgin Diet Success Tool Box.
The first thing I need for this Virgin Diet lifestyle journey is a copy of JJ Virgin's Virgin Diet book. Oh yes, I'll definitely need to include The Virgin Diet book. Although I have read it, I will need to refer back to it often.
Well, let's see, what else should pack in my tool box?  Since I like to start my day with my berry protein smoothie because it's a healthy nutritious blend that energizes me and satisfying until lunch time(Oh yeah, I've got to my sure that's in my tool box. Okay, what else. Oh, oh , oh, I know, what about some Clean lean protein such as; grass-fed chicken, beef , pasture-fed pork, wild caught-salmon, scallops and shrimp (yum-mee!), and what about some High-fiber-low glycemic carbs like: apples, beets, black beans, lentils, lima beans, brown rice, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. Healthy fats help controls hunger and is a mood balancer as well as supports vein and artery health. Okay, so, I'm going to need some of that in my tool box too. Healthy fats are in foods such as: coconut oil and milk, olive oil, raw nuts(no peanuts-never), raw seed(chia, flax, hemp), or wild cold water-fish. The next thing is some organic Nonstarchy vegetables like: kale, mushrooms(love it), red onions, arugula(great in salad),  broccoli, swiss chard, greens( collards, turnip and mustards), spinach and garlic.
Finally, I have to make sure and put The Virgin Plate in my tool box because that will help with portion size and prevent overeating.