Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Thursday, March 31, 2016

My First Gluten-Free Menu

Need A Gluten-Free Menu

 Just Ask

 Cycle 2

Day 83

Diary of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,

Feeling good! Looking better!

Tonight was the first time I asked the waitress for a gluten-free menu at the Longhorn restaurant.
It was great! I  got a separate gluten-free menu and ordered asparagus, sweet potato, and grilled shrimp. It was very good. Not as good as home, but good.
 The portion size was larger than I usually have, at home so I asked the waitress to take it away.
According to JJ Virgin , when dining out always apply the three bite rule.  The Three bite rule means to eat three bites and ask the wait or to take the plate off the table.

It works. Oh, don't forget to stay hydrated.

So Diary. Until later

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Virgin Diet Cycle 2

The Day After The Gluten Challenge

Cycle 2

Day 83

 Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,
It's the day after my gluten challenge where I reintroduced gluten back into my diet. I could hardly believe that just eating food could cause my body to react in the way that it did. I mean, as soon as I ate that gluten in the form of wheat pasta, I began to have a litany of symptoms. Stomach rumbling, stomach ache, dizziness, tired, slow walking, drowsy, belching, burping, gassy, bloating and did I say stomach upset. The symptoms were non-stop, they just kept coming, in waves of stomach rumbles, and disturbances. It was as if my stomach was trying to kick the wheat pasta-gluten out. Unbelievable! The symptoms lasted for 3-4 hours and lingered well into the night which totally interrupted my sleep. No good sleep last night.

However, this morning, I awoke with no symptoms-none at all, and feeling so much better.  Amazing!
That was a scary experience, and to think, it was gluten that caused it all. Who knew that certain foods could make me feel so bad? I didn't. But, JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet did!
JJ Virgin says that it is important to perform the food challenges and discover foods that I can't tolerate. "Consuming a food that you can't tolerate will stall your weight loss".
That is why I did the gluten challenge, so that would know which food that I cannot tolerate.
I'm much better now and can conclude that I have food intolerance to both soy, and gluten. Seriously!
Okay Diary,
 Until the next time.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Gluten Makes Me Sick!

  I Failed The Gluten Challenge...


Cycle 2 

Week 1

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Hello Diary,
I have been following The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin since January of  2016. My New Years Resolution was to lose weight, and get healthy. It's been two long months since I've had gluten, I mean, no pasta, no bread(maybe a small bite before realizing early into the diet), no salad dressing, no donuts and noooo, gluten. However, today was the first day of my gluten test. That's where I added gluten back into my diet to see if I am able to tolerant it. That's the test!
At first, the idea of testing gluten was so exciting because I was anxious to know whether or not gluten if could finally become a part of my regular diet or ditch it all together.
Today seemed just like any other day, and was beginning to believe that the food testing phase, checking symptoms in Cycle 2 was not real. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Well, more about that later.
So, here is how my gluten test day went...
I started my day as usually, having a wonderful Breakfast Strawberry Smoothie, with yellow pea protein, frozen strawberries, chia seeds(meal), and coconut milk blended smoothly.  Drink up! I love my smoothies because they are so delicious, nutritious, satisfyingly filling, and energizing. The smoothie is a total meal, so that's all I have and need for breakfast. The smoothies help repel cravings as well.

It was nearing lunch time and I could hardly wait to go grocery shopping for some gluten. I wanted to make it s lunch special, so I decided to have whole-wheat pasta(gluten-grain), topped with pan-seared scallops and kale. Sound pretty good right? From the store, I picked up a box of whole wheat thin spaghetti-the side of the box ingredient label read: Contains Wheat (Hmmmm is this a clue of what to come? I thought.) and fresh scallops, and organic kale bunch. Now, I was ready to kick-off my gluten test.  
The scallops and kale tasted very yummy but I noticed that the whole-wheat pasta had a sweet taste. That was a bit strange. I had not taste the type of sweetness before. Anyway, I finished it off.
Not very filling, I felt a little empty but I did not have seconds.
Oh boy! After about an hour, I began to feel a little funny, at first, dizzy, foggy head, so I laid down for 30 minutes. Then, I began to feel worse, digestive issues like: bubbling stomach, rumbling stomach, queasy, bloating, gassy, even some stomach pain. I felt really bad and  lasted for 2-3 more hours and in my fogginess I remember thinking, Wow!!! I'm having an reaction...these are symptoms and they are real. I'm
having symptoms as the results of my gluten test. Bingo!
I do not need gluten if this is the way it makes me feel, I thought. It's not pleasant at all! At this point there is no need to further test gluten, I've got my answer. I failed the Gluten Challenge...miserably!
Four hours later, I had a small dinner....No Glutens!
I had grass-fed pot roast, with steamed cabbage. That was good!
I still had minor remnants of some of the digestive issue , but much improved.
What a test!
Diary, I'm Gluten-Free

Monday, March 28, 2016

I Lost 30 Pounds on the Virgin Diet

Now Saying Goodbye To Cycle 1

 Hello Cycle 2

Day 81

 Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Hey Diary,
Hoorah!! I made it!
It's that time! Time for me to move into Cycle 2. I have reach my weight loss goal of 30 lbs. I feel great, my sleep is soo much better, skin is more hydrated and supple, have more energy, better concentration and yep, I can go on and on.  So, now I am ready to reintroduce and test the first of the forbidden foods. Each week, I will test a different forbidden food to see if I can tolerate it.
This week I am testing Gluten.
Week 1- Gluten Test
So for the next 4 days I can have gluten with my meals
Of course, I not going to gorge out on all my favorite glutens. No and No. I have work too hard to reach my weight loss goal and I am not about to screw that up by overeating. No and No!
To keep track of my symptoms, if any, I will be keeping a notebook.

Stay with one smoothie a day-love my smoothies, and drink plenty of water.
Diary, I doing the Cycle 2! 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Virgin Diet Easter Lunch

Won't You Join Us For Lunch?

Cycle 1

 Day 80

 Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,
Today, was asked by friends to go out to lunch. At first, I was going to immediately answer, no. But they were friends and so I said okay, I 'll go. As soon as I agreed to go out to lunch, several thoughts bombarded my mind about the things that I could or should not eat. I had thoughts that raised questions such as: will the lunch menu be gluten-free, soy-free, corn-free, free from sugar or artificial sweetener, peanut-free, or free-range eggs? How am I going to dine out and follow the diet at the same time?
When I got there, I felt a little uncomfortable and out of my element because the lunch was buffet-style making it hard to choose.
Then, I remembered, JJ Virgin has a part in her book, The Virgin Diet on how to dine out.  She recommends starting with a salad with olive oil and vinegar, doubling my vegetables-no starch, don't order anything that has words like breaded, fried, crispy and so forth attached, and having a few bites of foods, then have the plate removed from the table. These are a few of the tips that she has on dining out.  There are more great tips in her book.
That's exactly what I did.
I started with a medium salad with olive oil and vinegar. That's a good start, right? Then, I placed, a chicken wing on the plate with a tablespoon size of dressing (yuck), and 3 tablespoons of peas, oh... and few bites of coconut cream pie (not good). The lunch was okay, but hanging out with friends was better.
Later on, I felt a little queasy and foggy which lasted for about 1 hour afterward. Next time I 'll be better prepared for dining out.
Tonight, I had a blueberry shake. It was yummy for my tummy and I felt much better.
Happy Easter Diary,


Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday Snack



Cycle 1

Day 78

Dear Diary,
Happy Good Friday!
Tonight, I'm enjoying a healthy fats snack, walnuts. 


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Smoothies A Go-Go

Make My Smoothies To-Go

Cycle 1

Day 77

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower



Dear Diary,
Now that I'm working again, I need to find a way to have my Breakfast Smoothie before I go to work and pack a Luncheon Smoothie for lunch. 
The smoothies are so nutritiously good, and easy to make using JJ Virgin's shake recipe.  The Virgin Diet smoothies/ shakes have good fiber, healthy protein, and good fats, with berries that help heal my system and make me feel better. 
But when I'm on the go and or needing to travelling, I carry my blender, and all my smoothie ingredients to make my smoothie with me. I call it Smoothie A-Go-Go.
That's right, even when I'm on the go, I must maintain my diet regimen and drink my daily smoothies. 

For me, the ability to be on the go, where I am not tied to my counter top blender gives me a sense of  assurance. The assurance in knowing that I can still have my smoothie on the road, rather than skip or miss meals while I'm away. Never skip or miss meals.
Today I went shopping for a handheld shaker blender to make my on the go smoothies. I found the perfect  on the go blender at Bed Bath and Beyond. It was just what I was looking for too. Something lightweight, easy to clean and non electric. It's the Blender Bottle by Prostak and its awesome! BPA-free with twist and lock storage containers on the top and bottom of the bottle. just perfect for storing my protein and chia and flax seeds for smoothies. 
My NutraBullet blender is the most useful tool when it comes to smoothies, however, when I 'm on the fly, and away from home, my handy Blender Bottle offers better convenience.
Smoothies A-Go-Go are great with a Blender Bottle, however, it does not blend the fruit, just the protein, and chia/flax.
Okay Diary until later.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Let's Be Clear About The Virgin Diet


Eat Clean Lean Protein

Cycle 1

 Day 76

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,
Okay, Okay, today, I discovered another plateau culprit that has also been sabotaging my weight loss progress, and slowing down my ability to keep a steady lose-weight roll.  I can't believe that it happened again. As I've said before, by reading the labels on everything and I do mean everything, is the only way to really know what I'm eating. However, sometimes its not as simple as merely reading the labels, sometimes I have to ask questions. Whether its a phone call or prosing a question to someone in the meat department at the grocers. It's imperative that I know.  That is exactly how I recently discovered this new  plateau culprit.
Yep, the plateau culprit is back, another one, a different one, and a totally new plateau culprit.  But, this time, it came in the form of a chi, chi,  chicken. Yes, a chicken.  A packaged chicken with a label that read, free-range, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, and vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet for chickens, I thought what does that mean? Really. What kind of veggies did the chicken have and why? I briefly imagined, just for a split second, a happy chicken standing in front of and eating from mounds and mounds of carrots, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes and kale and collards-veggie. Not! I was very puzzled about it and decided to ask someone in the meat market department. Soy and corn was their response. That answer left me speechless.. Soy and corn.... Soy and corn....Soy and corn.....
Soy and corn are two of the seven forbidden foods of The Virgin Diet that I have tried so hard to avoid and here I find out it's in the chicken that I'm eating. Unbelievable!! No wonder my steady weight loss success came to a screeching halt....Again! 
The plateau culprit was the chicken with the Vegetarian diet label. Incredible!
So,  from now on,  it is going to be important for me to not only read the labels, but also ask questions and if a label looks different. It never hurt to just ask.
Grass-fed....Grass-fed...Grass-fed... Maybe, if I repeat it enough, it will stick in my memory.
JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet recommends eating, clean lean protein, from animals that are not fed soy and or corn, but are grass-fed instead.
Alright, another lesson learned. I really have to look and ask when it comes to labels.
After all, that is the only way to find out.
So Diary thanks for listening.
Watch out for labels and those chickens!



Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Baby Steps To Virgin Diet Cycle 2

 While I Wait To Lose Weight

 Day 75

Cycle 1

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Hello Diary,
So,  today is another day and 1 more pound closer to my weight loss goal. Now at a 28 lbs. total weight loss it's getting close. So close. With Cycle 2 just around the corner, I am preparing to start the reintroduction phase of The Virgin Diet. I have to admit, it is a little frightening. I have not had any gluten, eggs, corn, peanuts, sugar and artificial sweeteners, dairy, or soy for 2 months.
And within the next few days, I will began Cycle 2.
The Gluten Challenge will be my first test. Now just because I will be testing gluten,  doesn't mean that I'm going to scarf down all the gluten that I been so missing and make up for lost time. Nope! That's is not a good idea. 
In The Virgin Diet book by JJ Virgin, there is a 4-Week Plan with Cycle 2 step-by-step guidelines to get me through the reintroduction phase(more about that later).
The book by JJ Virgin is a very useful tool that is very helpful and the recipes are an absolute bonus. 
For more recipes remember to check out www.skinnyum.blogspot.com for some yummy good food.
Well Diary,
Until later,

Monday, March 21, 2016

Organic Is Best

I Know Why Organic Is Better

Cycle 1

Day 74

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,
I love the Virgin Diet because I enjoy the idea of eating very clean foods, meaning organic fruits and vegetables and grass-fed, anti-hormone, free-range meat and products, hence, clean foods.  More  importantly, it has its long-term nutritional benefits as well as an easy-to-adopt dietary lifestyle.
For me, maintaining the diet and staying on the right foods can sometimes be a challenge. For instance, organic foods are not always readily available in most supermarket and grocery stores. Some neighborhood grocery stores are beginning to develop and adopt a health consciousness by stocking there produce section with more organic fruits and veggies.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love shopping at my favorites, Traders Joe, Whole Foods and Fresh Markets because there I am certain to find large quantities of fresh organic produce. Awesome! 
Before I became a Virgin Diet follower, I used to ask, really, what's the difference between organic or not organic?
Listen, there is a definite difference between pesticide grown foods and organic foods.
Organically speaking, I know that organic fruit and vegetables are better because they free from pesticides. Pesticides in or on fruits and vegetables can be very bad for me and make me gain weight among other things.
Beside, the organic fruits and vegetables have an incredibly good flavor, texture and are easier to digest. But today, I made an amazing discovery about something that I frequently used in my foods-and that's garlic. Organic garlic. I use lots and lots of garlic in my cooking, and let me tell you there is a distinct difference between the organic garlic and the pesticide grown garlic that previous ate. 
While chopping up the organic garlic today, just preparing it to used my grass-fed lamb, I noticed that the garlic was juicy inside with an oily like residue(that I could feel when rubbing my fingers together), and a delightful garlicky fragrance. The texture was tender, making it easier to chop in fine pieces. 
The amazing thing was how well the organic garlic fused into the lamb as it cooked, I  smell was wonderful.  And the taste, superb.
Organic is the best way to better health, so choose organic.
I choose organic.
That's it diary.  
Organic Veggies from the garden

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Future of My Cycle 2

I See a Cycle 2 in My Future

Cycle 1

Day 73

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,
When I started The Virgin Diet journey back in January 2016, I never dreamed that in a million, no a billion years that I could lose weight so easily and feel so good.
Today, someone actually noticed that there was something different about me and even commented that I look fabulous, is it your new diet, they said. Okay, here comes the shade...Oh, so when you stop the dieting, you are just going to gain all that weight back. I thought,"Wonk! Wonk!" and responded to them, "No, because I'm eating good clean foods".  I kept my respond vague because I wanted them to ask more about the diet and what did I mean by "clean" foods.  I'll wait.
The fact of the matter is that since I've been following The Virgin Diet for a couple of months, this new way of eating and the wonderful organic berry smoothies are becoming a way of life. For me, with all the fantastic benefits of The Virgin Diet...it's a no brainer. 
The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin says to drop 7 foods for 7 days, and lose 7 pounds. It really works!
Right now, I'm presently in Cycle 1 of The Virgin Diet, where I dropped 7 forbidden foods which are: Corn, Soy, Peanuts, Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners, Eggs, Diary and Glutens. After the first seven days, I had lost 8 pounds. Now, that was amazing! So, I kept on going and as of today, I've lost 27 lbs. Incredible!
In the next cycle, Cycle 2, I will bring the forbidden foods back into my diet and test them to which ones that I can tolerance. 
According to JJ Virgin, intolerances to certain food made me gain weight. The best way to find out which foods intolerances I have is to stop the 7 forbidden food for 21 days(that's Cycle 1)and start them again(Cycle 2).

However, I've extended my Cycle 1 until  I reach my 30lbs weight loss, then I will challenge the forbidden foods in Cycle 2.
It's getting close as I continue to enjoy my Daily Smoothie packed with Growing Naturals Yellow Pea Protein, frozen organic berries(raspberries are my favorite, no strawberries, no blueberries, no raspberries... anyway, I like the berries...sooo good), chia or flax seeds and coconut milk or coconut water.  The smoothie is the key to the success of the Virgin Diet and I fluctuate between 1-2 smoothie per day. They are just that good!! Love it!
Okay Diary, maybe tomorrow will be the day I start Cycle 2.
Until then, goodbye. 


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Get Ready To Test Drive


Ready To Reintroduce Forbidden Foods

Cycle 1

Day 72

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,
With losing another pound, I'd say that I am quickly approaching the start of Cycle 2 of The Virgin Diet. So far, I've lost a 27 lbs. with 3 more to go before reaching my weight loss goal. Not to mention that I'm feeling fantastic, have more energy, better focus/concentration, better digestion, yep, better sleep too, and food taste so much better now(I guess the taste buds are working again).
It is time to prepare for the challenge of Cycle 2, the reintroduction of forbidden food into my diet. I also get to have my yummy smoothies in Cycle 2, woo hoo! 
Cycle 1 took away the forbidden foods and now Cycle 2 will bring them back. However, JJ Virgin recommends to not revisit corn, peanuts, and sugar. In the past, soy has caused me a lot of problems, like: bloatiness, indigestion, fatigue, low energy, and more, so I will not be challenge it again.  My list of reintroduced forbidden foods will include: eggs, diary, and glutens.

Get Ready To Test Drive
Get Ready To Test Drive
Each week I will test drive one of the forbidden foods from Monday-Thursday, rest from the forbidden food from Friday-Sunday, then write down and keep track of my symptoms, if any.
I realize that Cycle 2 will not give me the green-light to eat up everything in plain sight, especially those restricted food from Cycle 1, but, an opportunity to discover what my foods intolerances may be.. that is if I have any.
Sounds exciting!
Right now, I am preparing to start Cycle 2, but not until I reach the 30 lbs. weight loss marker which is just around the corner.
In preparation, I have to get my Trader's Joe, Wholefoods Health Foods, and Fresh Market Health Food grocery shopping list together. So, on my next trip to the health food store, I will be looking for items like free-range eggs, good glutens, and grass-fed diary. But first, trudge ahead toward that 30 lbs., weight loss.
Soon and Very Soon.
Any Day Now...

Diary, Cycle 2 is on the way.

Friday, March 18, 2016

No Sweets For The Sweet

It's An Unsweet Life

Cycle 1

Day 71

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Hey Diary,
Living an unsweet life is really growing on me and fast becoming my newly adopted lifestyle. What I'm trying to say is stay away from anything, and I'm saying anything that has anything that even looks like sugar(period). Sugar and artificial sweeteners are lurking in so many unsuspecting places. Yep, there is sugar and unnatural sweeteners hidden in some of the most unimaginable places. 
Just read the label.  Sometimes its boldly written on the front label and sometimes its written I very small print, hardly noticeable. Sugar and artificial sweetener can easily sabotage my weight loss progress, causing me to gain weight and making label read a necessity.  
For instance, the frozen berries (I use in my smoothies) must be organic and unsweetened with no sugar added. One day, while doing my smoothie shopping, I picked up a package of blueberries, flipping the package over, I read the ingredients, "Blueberries, Sugar".  Clearly, the packaging told me that sugar had been added to the frozen blueberries. However, I was looking to buy some unsweetened, with no sugar added frozen berries for my smoothies, only to find sugar added sweetened berries. Soo... note to self, check the label and make certain that the product has not been sweetened enhanced and that absolutely no sugar's been added. 
Really, if want to sweeten up my smoothie, I'd just add a little Stevia. But, I rarely use Stevia in my smoothies because most of the organic berries are sweet enough for me.
I enjoy a good balsamic vinegar drizzled on my salads. And before my JJ Virgin Diet journey, I formerly enjoyed dipping a freshly baked piece of French bread in to some oil and vinegar- but no more. I really don't miss the taste either. There is a some controversy over traditional balsamic vinegar and shelf vinegar and the sugar content. However, I use a really good balsamic vinegar of Modena, a Product of Italy and it contains 1 gram of sugar(nutritional facts). It's great for making JJ Virgin's Everyday Vinaigrette on page 263 of The Virgin Diet book. It is delicious!
When grocery and online shopping I'm always on the look out for words like sugar, sweetener, or flavor enhancers. There are many other sugary names too, but I only want the unsweetened products, and no sugar, or no sugar added foods. Having no sugar and artificial sweeteners in my diet will accelerate the weight loss process, so I'm all in. Time consuming as it might be, I make a point checking and rechecking the nutritional and supplemental facts,  and the ingredients. Sometimes it takes a magnifying glass to look real close. The information is there. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Luck of The Virgin Diet 70


 My Lucky Day

Cycle 1
Day 70
Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Of course, I'm wearing green!
Today must be my lucky day!! It finally happened, I finally, after much effort lost 1 additional pound. Yes, I did it! Awesome too! So now, I have lost a total of 26 lbs., with just 4 more pound to go until I reach my weight loss target.  The Plateau once again has been busted. I know, I know, its just one pound, but, for me, its fantastic because I worked sooo hard to bust that plateau. Two smoothies (with kale) a day, drink, drink, drinking more water, practicing portion control, food journaling, exercise and whatever it took. I did it! It's my lucky day.

Lucky Bust The Plateau Day

My Lucky Food Journal
Cycle 1
 Breakfast: Strawberry Smoothie                                                    
                             8 oz glass water X 3
Lunch: Grass Fed (Greenwise) Roasted Lamb and  Organic Green beans  
                             8oz glass of water X 2   
Dinner:  Homemade guacamole with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, organic tomatoes and cilantro, thin brown rice cakes, baked chicken breast. Apple sauce with cinnamon, and vanilla,
                              8oz. glass of water X3
 When I journal and keep a log of the foods that I eat and my water intake, I can clearly see the areas where I need to improve in the Virgin Diet.   
This is the luckiest day- The plateau has been busted!
Okay Diary, let see what happens tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Still Plateau Busting

My Virgin Diet Food Journal  

Cycle 1

Day 69

Dear Diary,
The Virgin Diet is a phenomenal diet and has allowed me to enjoy some of the best meal that I have ever had. The smoothies are totally awesome, tasty and satiety. I love, love it!  My Virgin Diet journey is by far so fabulous that I'm recommending to all my friends.  I never knew losing weight could be as easy as this. I've experienced eating and dining at its finest.... but, I  know that best is yet to come.
Trucking along in Cycle 1, and feeling fabulous and all that good stuff, but, but..... The Plateau Busting continues. Yep! I 'm still trying to reach my target weight loss goal of 30 lbs. This scale of mine is not budging and is so far showing me a 25 lbs. weight loss. This is ridiculous!  I am ready for Cycle 2, but I want to reach my target weight first. Then, I will reintroduce the forbidden foods back into my diet. I'm so close.
 So, what am I going to do about this plateau thingy, because I am stuck in weight loss limbo.  Here's the plan...Okay, for the past two days, I've doubled-up my smoothies and had a smoothie twice a day. Today, I opted out the second smoothie and had dinner instead(I just wanted dinner tonight, the incredible smells and the appealing look, the aromas.... so enticing, I could hardly resist). Anyway, its okay because, I had some good grass fed BBQ flavored chicken, brown rice and Brussels sprouts. Mmmm! Good! Wow, I 'm glad that I started food journaling. Here's my story.
My Foodie Story
Daily Food Journal
Date: March 16, 2016
            7:00 am              4 oz. glass of water
           8:00 am   Bluey Blueberries Breakfast Smoothie
           9:00 am               8 oz. glass of water
          10:00 am              8 oz. glass of water
          12:00 pm   2 Applegate Hot Dogs( 2 wieners sandwiched
                             between 2 Suzie's Thin Brown Rice Cakes                   
                             with gluten-free mustard and green beans
           1:00 pm                8 oz. glass of hand-squeeze lemonade
           2:00 pm                8 oz. glass of water
           4:00 pm                8 oz. glass of water
          5:00 pm     Bar B Q flavored Chicken, Brown Rice, and 
                            Brussels Sprouts
         7:10 pm      Unsweetened Organic Gravenstein Applesauce 
                            flavored with cinnamon and Stevia
         6:00 pm              8 oz. glass of water
         6:30 pm              8 oz. glass of water
         7:00 pm              8 oz. glass of water
          10:00 am      Walking for 10 minutes
         5:45 pm      Raking leaves
Keeping a food journal helps a lot, especially with the water consumption. I am suppose to have half my body weight in ounces of water, and writing it down in my journal really helps me monitors that.  It also helps minimize over-snacking too.
So Diary, I hope journaling not only helps me bust the plateau , but also make me more aware of my eating habits as well.
That's it for now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Daily Food Journal

Write It Down

Cycle 1
Day 68
Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,
Today I started my food journal, that's where I write down everything that I eat(include gum and mint)- during the day. Since I am still at my plateau and scales are showing no signs of weight loss, I thought that I would start a journal so I can get a better idea of what I'm eating or not eating. I found this wonderful daily journal on JJ Virgin's website. This valuable tool will assist me with my daily food and exercise activities.
Here is my food journal for today.
My Daily Food Journal

In order to reach my weight loss goal, and bust the plateau, today, I had 2 smoothies and one meal, no snacks( I didn't feel any breakthrough hunger), 6 eight ounce glasses of water( I need to drink more- I'll do better tomorrow). My healthy lifestyle strategies for today included, walking, and exercise ball routine(low low impact).
The food journal was a real reality check for me because I thought that I'd  drank more water than that today. It helped me step back and take a look at my diet by tracking my eating activity. Next time, I'll write the times when I drink water between meals.
Okay diary,
I'm journaling my Virgin Diet


Monday, March 14, 2016

Smoothies To The Next Level


Taking My Smoothies To The Next Level


Level Up My Smoothies

Cycle 1

Day 67
Dear Diary,
According to my scales and tape measure, there has been no sign of any additional weight loss for the past 4 days.  But... but, my clothes are getting more and more looser on me. Yes, my new jeans that are 2 sizes down from what I was wearing in January (2016) are not as snug as they were when I bought them three weeks ago. Soooo, what's happening? Something must be happening! I just not sure what. So far, as it stand now, I have lost 25 lbs., and am 5 measly pounds from my weight goal of 30 lbs.
Now....it's time to take my smoothies to the next level, and so today, I added another smoothie to my diet. Within one hour of waking up, I had a Raspberry Breakfast Smoothie and for lunch, a Blueberry Lunch Smoothie with 1 extra tablespoon and kale.  Yummy and Yummier. Soo.. good.  I might get used to this! It's so easy. Great on-the-go-food. And tomorrow, I will replay the same smoothie repeat again. It's what I call taking my smoothie to the next level.  Ramping it up with a breakfast and lunchtime smoothie.

Smoothie Twins
 Smoothies are really a Big Deal. A really Big Deal. It is the absolute secret to my successful weight loss.  The smoothies are packed with the all the nutrients that I need for a complete satisfying meal.
In fact, here are some JJ Virgin Golden Rules for smoothie:
  • Drink your Virgin Diet within an hour of waking up.
  • Eat every 4-6 hours.
  • Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed.
JJ Virgin has more Golden Rules at www.jjvirgin.com
Smoothie is Golden!
So, Diary let take this smoothie to the next level! Smoothie up.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Plateau Culprit


I Found The Plateau Culprit

Cycle 1
 Day 66
Dear Diary,
While following the Virgin Diet, I've hit the plateau for the second time and so far, been unable to bust the plateau. Although , this time, the plateau seems almost impossible to overcome, I know that I will somehow find a way to do it. Why, I am so close to my weight loss goal with just 5 lbs. more to lose... It must be something that I am eating that may be causing me not to lose weight or perhaps I should apply a little more patience and just wait.  Anyway, I decided to investigate.
 After taking a closer look at all the foods, vitamins and supplements and everything that I've consumed on a daily basis for past week, I've found the plateau culprit, the reason for the halt on my weight loss progress.  I mean I really went through everything with a fine tooth comb checking to see if any of the 7 forbidden foods got pass me and slipped into my diet.

Here's what I found...
Two weeks ago, I'd just purchased and began taking a terrific daily organic Vitamin C vitamin capsule, packed with lots and lots of organic fruits and vegetables. Sounds great right? Well, I thought so too.  So, I took it day after day until I realized that my weight loss progress stopped.  I did not gain any more weight, but I didn't lose anything either. I have been locked in the same weight for 7 days now. It just won't budge.
But, I read the ingredient list that was just beneath all the good organic ingredients on the supplemental facts label and...THERE IT WAS!  There was a list of about ten additives that I had no idea what they were. Since I have been reading and checking labels, these additives were totally unfamiliar to me and knew that they were not part of the Virgin Diet program. However, one ingredient that stuck out like a sore thumb was an artificial sugar. That's right artificial sugar, one of the forbidden foods.  Of  course, I stopped taking them right away!  Read the bottom line, that usually where I found these hidden ingredients.
Who knew?  I mean seriously, a vitamin.... Unbelievable!
From now on, I need to write down everything that I eat.  JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet suggest that I keep a food journal and write down everything that I eat or drink - even how many glasses of water that I drank a day-Everything! "Journaling works because you can only change what you can measure", she says.
That's it, I'm going to start a food journal, first thing. There is more information about how to get start a food journal at www.jjvirgin.com .
There are some studies that show that people who keep a food journal lose weight faster.
So diary, let's start food journaling the Virgin Diet Way!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lose 5 Pounds


How To Lose 5 Pounds?

Cycle 1

Day 65


Hey Diary,
I am a JJ Virgin Diet follower and have successfully lost 25 lbs. It is amazing! Aside from the weight loss success, I feel great, sleep has never been better, and I'm focused with better concentration, on and on. There countless benefits being on the Virgin Diet.  I absolutely love it!
However, I am stuck at a 25 lbs. weight loss and have virtually hit the plateau. Another plateau. My first plateau was at my 10 lbs. weight loss and I managed to bust that plateau and continued losing weight. Now, I need to lose 5 more pounds in order to fulfill my weight loss goal of 30lbs.
To bust this plateau, I am drinking more water, exercising, and getting more sleep.
But today, I tried something different... For it is said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So...
Today, to change things up a bit, I ate breakfast, a half of avocado, one rice cake and a slice of nitrate-free bacon for breakfast. It was yummy, and even though, this does not sound like much, it was filling and( drinking water between meals) lasted until lunch time.  For lunch, I had my smoothie, a raspberry smoothie and it was a very refreshing midday treat.
I don't know if its going to make a difference and push that plateau over, but it was a great change up of things. 
Tomorrow, it's business as usual, Breakfast Smoothie first thing! Drink up!
Diary please help me get rid of this plateau!


Friday, March 11, 2016

Plateau Frenzy

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower 


 It's Baack!

Cycle 1

Day 64

Dear Diary,
This is incredible!
I've got 5 more pounds to lose before reaching my 30 lbs. weight loss goal and guess what happens?  My weight loss progress has again come to a screeching halt, I'm stuck. Absolutely stuck, no weight loss in the last week, none, nada... I wish I could just say that it's my scales and that are stuck, however,  it is not my scales at all.... It- is- the.... dun, dun dunnnn,  the proverbial plateau. I've hit a plateau again and have had no sign of weight loss within the past week. Even my waistline measurements are at a stand still. Nothing, and nothings happening. 
I am following the Virgin Diet to the tee and now a plateau, a plateau. Really!
Again? Its interesting to note that the first five letters of plateau spells plate. Hmmmm, suspect?  I'm just saying....
Anyway,  I've just got to find a way to rid myself of the plateau frenzy and get on with losing those 5 pounds. I got to remove that obstacle- the 5 pound boulder.
So, here is what I'm going to do:
  1. Get to bed early- strive for 7-9 hours of sleep per night
  2. Drink more water- I need to drink ½ my body weight in ounces. That is not as easy as it sounds. I'll try.
  3. Stay active- continue walks, gardening, and yoga
According to JJ Virgin, studies have proven that getting too little sleep can attribute to weight gain. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night to optimize hunger hormones and boost fat-burning human growth hormones.
She also suggest that when I am not eating to drink water.
These are some great suggestions on way to rid a plateau.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Going Nuts!

This Is Nuts!

Cycle 1
Day 63
Diary of JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Hey Diary,
Let go nuts! Nuts are one of the most satisfying healthy fats, protein-packed snacks. And raw nuts(not peanuts) are listed among the healthy fats in the Virgin Diet.  Raw nuts are a great source of monounsaturated fats and are high fiber, high in lectins (a type of protein), phytates(also found in legumes, and grains), and other enzyme inhibitors according to JJ Virgin.  
With the Virgin Diet, I can enjoy a variety of raw nuts such as:
  • Walnuts
  • Cashews
  • Brazil
  • Macadamia
  • Almonds
But, these nuts are raw nuts, so, how do I prepare them for eating?
Raw nuts like legumes(black bean, lima beans, and pinto beans),  need be to soaked to minimize some of the phytates and lectin and other enzymes inhibitors before roasting them. Right?
That's right!
Here are some of the ways to make raw nuts eat ready:
  • First I soak them overnight in water and sea salt, then drain the water.
  • Toss in sea salt, little extra virgin olive oil (cinnamon and spices may also be added)
  • Spread out on a baking sheet
  • Slow roast in the oven with temperatures less than 150 degrees (depend on the oven temperatures) for 7 hours
  • Cool
  • Store in zip lock bags
  • Keep in the fridge
Delicious roasted nuts!
My favorite nuts are walnuts, and almonds and I enjoy roasting them.
Palm Full of Almonds
However, the problem is.....they are so yummy, that I have to be careful not to eat too many of them. If I eat too many nuts, that could sabotage my weight loss progress and make me gain weight. No way! Don't eat too many!  So..., what is my daily nut requirements? According to JJ  Virgin, I can have 1-3 servings per day(5 brazil or macadamia, 10 walnuts or almonds).
Ten 10 almonds will fit right into the palm of my hand, so I have a palm full of nuts a couple of times a day.
Raw nuts are a healthy on the go snack treat that satisfies my cravings, so it is worth it to take the time to soak, roast, and store. Or buy them already roasted but read your label and check for additives. 
I'm getting healthy with raw nuts!
Until later,
Goodbye Diary.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Rules for Dining Out

Dining Out

Cycle 1
Day 61
Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Following the Virgin Diet is so easy...
However, it's a lot easier to control myself on the Virgin Diet when I'm at home in my little healthy food abode, than with I'm dining out. My little healthy food abode, a place where I'm surrounded by only the acceptable food of  the Virgin Diet regimen. Here at home I have everything that I need to assemble a Virgin Diet Plate meal at my fingertips and can make it happen in a matter of minutes. Yep! Minutes! I love the Virgin Diet's versatility as it offers so many healthy foodie/ meals possibilities.  It's the primary reason for the success of my weight loss and healthy outcome. 
However, what do I do when I'm asked out to lunch or dinner, especially if it is a spur of the moment invite.  
For instance, while leaving the movies, an urge of hunger creeps up while driving pass my favorite restaurant, before I can get back to my little healthy food abode.  What should I do?  Should I try go home or accept the invitation to dinner or lunch?  Stop and eat at a restaurant, of course. Remember, don't skip meals-ever.
So now,  I'm sitting at the table in the restaurant, looking at the menu, and wondering what to order while thinking of  how disastrous my last dining experience was.  I ordered the wrong things and was too embarrassed to ask the server any questions about the menu. And it costed me....Big Time!
So, this time I want to get it right. 
In The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin, I read that there are easy ways to dine at restaurants and eat healthy and wonderful creations while I continue to follow the plan and enjoying the company of family and friends(make sure I avoid doing the dishes).
Here are some of JJ Virgins favorite tips on eating out:
  1. Survey the entire menu when I sit down
  2. Start with a salad with olive oil and lemon juice or vinegar
  3. Double my vegetable, avoid starches
  4. Never order anything that has descriptive words like: breaded, fried, crunchy,or creamy (No No)
  5. Talk to the server and explain my dietary requirements
  6. Try a new veggie
There are many more tips, but these are some of the ones that I made a difference in my dining out  experience.
Oh, I almost forgot, if the server brings a basket of bread and sits it on the table... just kindly asked that it be removed. Temptation, temptation, temptation. I used to love fresh bread and spread on the table, but not anymore. Unless that something that can revisit in the next Cycle, Cycle 2.
Wow! JJ Virgin has thought of everything, I mean every possible scenario that could intentionally sabotage my ability in reaching my weight loss goals.
Well Diary,
Next time I'm invited to dinner or lunch... I have some great tips that I can used.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dinner Is Served


What's For Dinner?

Cycle 1

Day 61

Hey Diary,
What's for dinner?  Oftentimes, since I have been on the JJ Virgin Diet program, I have been asked, soooo,  what's do you eat for dinner?  For me, aside, from my breakfast smoothies, dinner is one of my most favorite meals of the day. 
Planning my dinner menus was challenging at first, however, as time went on, I became so much easier. The most important thing to remember is to eat from the Virgin Diet Plate. JJ Virgin recommendation is to use the Virgin Plate to assemble my meals.
Here is exactly how I do it!
I use the Virgin Plate as my "cheap sheet", because helps me maintain balanced meals and better practice portion control.
So, to start with, I see the plate consist five elements which are:
  1. Clean, lean proteins (slows down stomach emptying, make me feeling full and satisfied)
  2. Healthy fats(release chemicals to the brain that says "I'm full".)
  3. Nuts
  4. High fiber, low glycemic carbs(slow releases sugar for energy)
  5. Nonstarchy vegetables(Antioxidant that I can have lots and lots of, and it gives me a full feeling)
So, what's for dinner? JJ Virgin's Golden Rules For Protein are:
  • Lean red meat 3-4 times a week with a focus on game and lamb. The rest of the protein from chicken, fish, turkey and the Virgin Diet smoothies. Stick with grass-fed beef, pork and lamb and free-range chicken and turkey-not commercial animal that are fed corn and soy. (very important)
  • Nonstarchy vegetables should always be organically grown. (Look for organic labels) 
  • High fiber -low glycemic index fruit-Go organic
To assemble my dinner plate, I need to have meat-clean lean protein- grass-fed lamb, beef or pork, and brown rice, that's my high-fiber, low glycemic carbs, and organic green beans, my nonstarchy vegetables (by the way, in looking at the portion sizes on the Virgin Diet Plate, I can have lots of this, Yeah!) Remember portion size when preparing meals the dinner plate.
Skinnyum, a site that have marvelous Virgin Diet style recipes that a healthy and mouth-wateringly good.
Here is a very yummy example of a dinner by Skinnyum (note the portion sizes):
Finger Licking Oven-Broiled Pork Ribs with Brown Rice
 For more recipes, visit:
So, Diary, that's what's for dinner.
Now let's eat!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Like a Chocolate Covered Cherry


Chocolate Covered Cherry

Smoothie for Breakfast

Day 60

Cycle 1

Dear Diary,
Today I had a Dark Cherry Chocolate Smoothie for breakfast and it tasted just like chocolate covered cherries. The taste was delicious to the third degree. I mean, yummy good!
The Virgin Diet smoothies and shakes are nutritious and the key weight loss element in this diet regimen. It really works.  I always make sure to have my breakfast smoothie after 1 hour of waking up are as soon thereafter.
Sometimes my smoothies may gets a little hum dumm... That's the time when I like to add a twist to my smoothie and spice things up a bit.
Here are a few twists and ways to spin my Virgin Smoothie and make it tasty good.
  • Add different berries (try cherries, blueberries, strawberries)
  • Vary the pea protein powder(vanilla, chocolate, plain)
  • Vary the milks in the smoothies (almond or coconut milk  or just coconut water)
  • Mix-it up!
Here is my Chocolate Cherry Smoothie:
It taste like chocolate covered cherries!
  • 1 scoop chocolate pea protein powder
  • 1 cup frozen dark cherries
  • 1  cup So Delicious almond milk
  • 1  tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1-2 sprinkles of Stevia
Blend until smooth and drink!
Loving this one!
Until later!