Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Great Weigh-In


   The Great Weigh-In

                                          It's That Time

Cycle 1


Good Morning Diary,

Today is the sixth day of my 2016 New Year Resolution Journey to lose weight and gain a healthier lifestyle with  JJ Virgin's Diet regimen.  Now it's time for the dreaded..., I mean Great Weigh-In. From now on I will be checking my weigh first thing in the morning before I eat or drank anything. According to most diet experts,  you should check your weight first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom. Okay, I'm weighing now...

Great Weigh-In

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