Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Seasons Greetings

      Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Happy Kwanza


All The Virgin Diet Followers


The Diary of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower
The Virgin Diet Lifestyle
Hello Diary,
I know, I know it's been some time since my last entry. I have been travelling... let's see, I went to visit some family and special friends in New Orleans, and throughout Central Florida. 
And yes, I did not follow the diet every single day that traveled and was away from home, because it was not easy to do. There was no blender to manage my morning smoothie, and I could not always get a gluten-free, organic veggies and fruits, or get grass-fed beef or chicken.
However, while I was in the moment, I was mindful of my diet and eating the right food as I traveled from place to place.
As soon as I returned home I got right back to The Virgin Diet, .. starting with my wonderful Berry Smoothie in the morning and then, some of those delectable organic fruits and veggies, and grass-fed beef and wild caught fish.
While travelling and eating some of the foods outside the diet, I noticed that symptoms like gut groans, bloaty belly, inability to focus, interrupted sleep, and so many other symptom returned. That's right, my food intolerant symptoms came right back.  In-A-Hurry! It was not nice either.
However, ironically, I did not gain my weight back. Nope! Not yet, anyway.
The holiday can really put a damper on some diets, but not The Virgin Diet. In the coming days, on January 1, I will be celebrating one year as a JJ Virgin Diet Follower.
On January 1,  2017 , I will be repeating Cycle 1 of The Virgin Diet and detox for 21 Day.
It's going to be great!

But until then, I will continue to drink my Berry Smoothies and stick with Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet.
Get ready, get ready, get ready!
Thanks Diary for a marvelous 2016!
Have a Merry Berrie Christmas!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

To All Of Those Virgin Diet Nay Sayers

💗💗💗I Say...

You are missing out.

Cycle 3
Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower 

Dear Diary,
It's been some time since I last wrote about my wonderful journey as a Virgin Diet follower. And yes, believe me when I say, I'm still raving about this fabulous diet.
When I'm out and about, people stop me and ask what I am I doing. They say things like, "You look great!", "How did you lose weight?"," It's expensive right?", How much weight did you lose and how long did it take?",  "So..., all I have to do is to stop 7 foods for 7 days and lose 7 pounds... seriously?" So many questions with just one easy answer which is The Virgin Diet. 
However, and yet, at the same time, I have the naysayers, those non-believers with their negative comments like; "Yeah, so you lost some weight it won't be long before you gain it all back!" What a comment. Who does that? I absolutely could hardly believe that someone would say something like that to someone else that has made a healthy lifestyle choice to follow The Virgin Diet. Anyway, it's the naysayers that keep me motivate me to stay focus and continue following this awesome Virgin Diet lifestyle.
I love The Virgin Diet and all the benefits that it offers. Why anyone that wishes to lose weight, gain a better control of eating healthy, feel better, gain sharper mindfulness, looking better and creating a marvelously healthy lifestyle. If can do it anyone can.
Right now, The Virgin Diet has become my best friend. There is nothing like it.
Since I have been following The Virgin Diet some of the naysayers have actually become followers too.
So. to all the naysayers.... Get On The Virgin Diet Train and get ready to has great time and realize some amazing benefits that can last for a lifetime. Don't miss out on one! It a terrific opportunity.
How to get started....
Stop 7 these foods: Corn, Peanuts, Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners, Eggs, Diary, Gluten, Soy
For 7 days
Lose 7 pounds
Believe me it works!
Just try it!
Until later,
Diary thanks for being here for me.


Drink Plenty of Water

Daily Berry Smoothies Are Key

Check weight once a week

Monday, November 14, 2016

Drop Seven Foods Challenge

The Virgin Diet Way

Cycle 3 The Lifestyle
Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
10 month
Dear Diary,
My journey as a Virgin Diet Follower has been the best ever. Now in my ten month of the diet and fast approaching my one year (yep, twelve months) of staying true to the cause. I have to say that I enjoy every moment of it. And, its all attributed to stopping seven food- soy, gluten, diary, eggs, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts and  corn.
When I initially stopping eating the seven foods it was quite a challenge because I discovered that there was a little bit and in some cases a lot of soy, gluten, diary, eggs, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts and  corn in everything that I was eating. Oftentimes I would find the seven foods neatly disguised as  additives with very long and hard to pronounce names.
Eventually, I came to a realization that eating those foods were the very things that made me gain excessive weight, feel tired, feel drowsy and sleepy (during the day), confused, foggy brain, suffered from joint pain, excessive sinus drainage(after eating certain foods), stomach distension and noisy stomach and so much more.
The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin say to drop seven food, for seven days, and lose seven pounds. In seven day, after dropping the seven foods: soy, gluten, diary, eggs, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts and  corn, I 'd lost not seven pounds, but eight. That's when I became a believer in The Virgin Diet and its ability to help me lose weight and feel better. After the seven days, I continued for 21 more days to complete the first cycle of The Virgin Diet.  
The Drop Seven Foods Challenge lasted for 21 days and I not only felt better, but, I could no longer fit in to my clothes because they were too big. Within the first 21 days of the Drop Seven Food Challenge, I had lost 15 pounds. Amazing! That was back in January 2016. 

 Right now, here its November 2016 (the 10 month since I began The Virgin Diet regime), I maintain a total weight loss of 35 lbs. and am feeling much healthier.
Of course, today, I am in Cycle 3 of the diet and I eat eggs(sparingly), an occasional diary and gluten(rarely). I continue to have my Berry Berry Smoothie in the morning and all other meals include grass-fed beef and poultry, wild caught seafood(no farm-raised), clean eggs(antibiotic and hormone-free), organically grown fruits and vegetables and plenty of clean filtered or bottled water.
The Virgin Diet is wonderful and so easy to maintain... it has become a workable part of my lifestyle.
I just love it!
So Diary, thanks for listening.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Get On The Virgin Diet Train

The Train is Leaving the Station

All Aboard!


Cycle 3

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Hey Diary,
I wasn't trying to ignore you, but I have following this cra-cra-craazy presidential elections.
Lately,  the presidential electoral drama has been better than any of the daytime soaps. Even tough my nose has been glued to the tube, I still maintain my daily Virgin Diet routine. That a must!
I boarded the JJ Virgin Diet train and became a follower way back in January 2016.  So far, this train ride, my Virgin Diet journey has been more than  I could have ever imagined.
The feedback from my friends and family has extremely positive.  Why, some people have even stop me on the street and asked me what did I do to stay in such great shape. I tell them all about JJ Virgin and the wonderful diet she created for people just like me.
I also have gotten some new followers (about 1-2 per week). It's incredible!
Woo! Woooooo!
Get On The Virgin Diet Train!
The Virgin Diet is been the best thing has that ever happened to me
and it is so easy to do. To get started, all I did was stop seven foods(corn, soy, sugar and artificial sweeteners, peanuts, glutens, dairy and eggs) for seven days and Whola! lost not just 7 pounds, but eight. I lost 8 pounds in just 7 days. I was hooked and wanted to continue to see what else my newfound way of life offered..
Woo! Wooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
Meanwhile, as I continued on this Virgin Diet journey, I began an improvement in the way I felt. No more sleepless nights(no more tossing and turning) but instead, I have deeper soothing sleep(just like a baby). Then I noticed that I no longer craved those fattening foods and snacks. Seriously! And then, my skin became smoother, rosier, and cleared. Next thing I noticed was my brain fog left. Yep!
Brain fog was out of there. Foggy brain - gone! Now, I experience, calmer, peaceful mood with sharpened concentration.
Woo! Wooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
Now, I have been on The Virgin Diet for nine months, lost 35 pounds and continue to maintain my weight loss.
There is nothing like The Virgin Diet, soooo,
Woooo! Wooooooo!
Get on The Virgin Diet Train!
So Diary Saty Strong and Ride On!

and still maintain my weight
 a JJ Virgin Diet Follower way back in January 2016, I have been enjoying the


Monday, October 3, 2016

Get A Life! The Virgin Diet Way

Making The Virgin Diet My Lifetime Achievement

Cycle 3

"Living The Virgin Diet Life"

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Soooo, The Virgin Diet's manta is....
"Lose Fat Fast. Keep It Off Forever".
Which has become my new mantra as well!
I have been following The Virgin Diet for nearly nine months and am quite pleased with the results.
Well, the reason why is because I reached my goal weight loss within just 5 months of starting and I have been able to maintain the weight loss ever since.
So far, The Virgin Diet journey been totally amazing!
Presently I am in Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet and now seeking ways to assure my continued healthy weight loss success-making it a wonderful lifetime achievement. Here are some great ideas and easy to remember ways;

Get A Life!

Get The Virgin Diet

·      Avoid sugar at all cost-sugar made me fat. No fruit juices and high-glycemic

   juices(high fructose). No! No! and No!

   sugar, soy, corn, and peanuts at least   

   95% of the time according to JJ Virgin.  

   Follow the "three bite rule" the other 

   5% of the time. Totally avoid artificial

   sweeteners all     

   the time.

·      Eat the tolerable foods in it's healthiest form, such as farm raised and grass-fed diary and eggs. Can be consume every other day.

·      Rechallenge intolerable foods every 3 months. Diary, gluten, eggs or soy can be repeated, but its optional.

·      Every 12 months go back to Chapter 8, and repeated the 21 days of The Virgin Diet, then move on to Chapter 9 and Rechallenge, challenge any or all 4 foods. It is imperative that this is done yearly. Must be done yearly!
Diary, I'm in for the long haul-The Virgin Diet has proven to be the best thing for me. And so, I sticking with it!
Until later.
By the way, remember the..."Secrets in the sauce"!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Cause and Effect of The Virgin Diet

Positive Outcome

Cycle 3

Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower
So Dairy,
Now that I am in Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet and have successfully made it a way of life, (oh, yeah, Cycle 3, that's the part of The Virgin Diet after identifying my food intolerances (foods that I could not eat without having symptoms of bloatiness, dizziness, nausea, and restless sleepless nights, but also discovered the foods that my body could tolerate and made me feel, exuberantly energized, captured tremendously deep and satisfying sleep("just like a baby"),sharpened concentration with better focus, and no bloat or gas. 
The Virgin Diet is an easy concept to follow, because I know that based on what foods I eat and how  I eat (cause) can result in either a positive or negative effect on me. For instance, if I had continued to eat the 7  forbidden foods( corn, soy, peanuts, sugar and artificial sweeteners, eggs, and dairy) on a regular basis, I would have continued to gain weight suffer from a litany of the negative and unpleasant effects.
But after I saw all the amazing effect that The Virgin Diet had on my sister(she lost fifty plus pounds, looks so much younger and feels awesome), I wanted to look fabulous, lose weight and feel great too.. so in  January 1, 2016 ( my New Years Resolution), I embarked on my own Virgin Diet journey becoming a Virgin Diet Follower. It's the best decision I have ever made. 
Here I am 9½ months later, 35 pounds lighter, eating incredibly tasting food,  drinking my incredibly healthy and delicious Virgin Diet Smoothie(daily) and feeling fabulous. That's what I mean by cause and effect. The Virgin Diet is the cause and the wonderful outcome of eating right while losing weight is the effect.
So now that I have lost all that weight, I cannot wear any of the clothes that I have. Shrinking from a size 16 to size 10, I am having to get rid of all my oldie but goodie clothes. It's really unbelievable! Who knew that The Virgin Diet worked this well? I am unable to wear any of my old clothes because  when I put them on, they all just fall off me. .My closet is full of dresses, pants, jeans, swimsuits, blouses, halter tops, leggings, and undergarments, clothes ranging from sizes 16 to size 12. At first, I thought that I would keep them and get them altered, but I could not find a tailor or anyone that could altered them for me.
Soooo, I took some pictures of some of my favorite clothes and put them on Ebay to see if anyone would be able to use them... and guess what? The clothes in my closet are getting sold on eBay!
I am so happy that someone can use them because they are really nice clothes... I just can no longer where them.
One of my favorite pair of size XL sapphire blue sequined evening party leggings recently sold-they were sooo cute.
Now I have my adorable Vera Wang After 5'o clock Black Dress on eBay, it's a large, maybe it will sell too. Beautiful dress!
My Black Dress Size Large


Hey Diary
I love The Virgin Diet!
Until Later.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Virgin Diet Is For Real

Its Not A Dream

I'm Wide AWAKE

Cycle 3

Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower
Diary Dear,
I'm not sleepwalking...am I?
It has been 8 months since I began my wonderful Virgin Diet journey, and I must say, what an incredible lifestyle journey its been.  The Virgin Diet is just that, a lifestyle, and way to eat to live as well as live to eat. 
For me, The Virgin Diet is a dream come true....
In just 8 short months (after starting in January 2016), I accomplished my weight loss goal and lost 35 pounds.  I am still pinching myself (daily) to see if it is in fact, just-a-dream. However, every time I get on the scale to weigh myself, which is usually once a week, I realize that its not a dream-its a reality.  
And it is wonderful feeling to experience such positive results from The Virgin Diet It is truly amazing and my reality too. Its not a dream-its real. Yes! the real deal! And,... I'm not sleepwalking either. So far, the journey has been fun, rewarding and gratifying.
In the beginning, when I was contemplating The Virgin Diet, I can remember thinking...I have to stop eating, what!? Seven foods? Why?.. Oh no, I don't think so!. What about my fresh-baked bread, my bread and my popcorn, my pancakes, my donuts(ummm!)and my, and my.. my...,my..?!. What could seven little itty bitty foods do to me anyway? Corn, Soy, Peanuts, Gluten, Sugar and Artificial Sweetener, Eggs and Dairy...they all seems so innocent to me. These seven foods were actually the culprit and the reason behind my inexplicable weight gain.  Although, these foods seemed to be totally harmless, The Virgin Diet has shown me how they were really hurting my health and causing me to gain unwanted weight. 
I was a hot mess, and kept repeating a litany of reasons not to try it. Things like, this will never work, I can't do this! What about the added expense of something new in my life. Making all kinds of excuse, I nearly talked myself out of something that was meant to be-destiny. I began to ask questions like... well... just what do I have to lose and its just for 21 days. And I thought that if I didn't see any results in 21 days, I would just quit. For me, that sound fair enough. Sooo,  I calmed myself, made a plan, set a date(January 1, 2016), and became a JJ Virgin Diet Follower.  And now, at 35 pounds lighter, am so glad that I did.
Now, I have completed Cycle 1 (that's the first
phase of the diet, where I eliminated the 7 foods from my diet; corn, soy, gluten, dairy, eggs, sugar and artificial sweeteners, and peanuts for 21 days). Afterwards, I felt like a new person (kind of hard to explain) and began to denote positive physical and mental changes (improvements) in my body. I felt more calm relaxed and even slept better at night than ever before. Most of all I noticed that I possess amazingly boundless nearly unlimited energy that I never had before(well, maybe as a child).
Anyway, at times, I thought I was dreaming or imagining it all. All that I know is that I liked it and wanted more, so I continued on to the next level, Cycle 2 of The Virgin Diet (Cycle 2, is where I reintroduced 3 of the 7 foods back into my diet-eggs, gluten, diary; I totally eliminated: corn, peanuts and sugar and artificial sweeteners because they can made me fat and feel really sick).
The reintroduction of gluten, dairy and eggs bought about its own challenges. The first week, I added gluten back into my diet and immediately reacted with symptoms like, feeling very bloaty, stomach distended, nausea, and feeling dizzy which lasted for nearly 5 hours. Not good! The next week I tested diary,( a little half and half in my coffee in the morning) no reaction. Diary is okay in small amounts. Next, eggs, I tested eggs by having an omelet-no reaction. Eggs-farm-raised, grass-fed eggs gets a thumbs-up (only a couple of times a week-not everyday). Yeah!
Now, that I am in Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet, and have adopted The Virgin Diet as a way of life and lifestyle. I have made some amazing discoveries. I mean its never been so easy to keep the weight off  while enjoy good food at the same time.
One of the best parts of Cycle 1, Cycle 2 and Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet is my daily Virgin Diet Smoothie. My Virgin Diet Smoothie is serves as a meal replacement and satiable( quite satisfying while eliminating food cravings).
                    Here's my favorite Virgin Diet Smoothie Recipe:
                    Red Raspberry Yum Yum Virgin Diet Smoothie
                              1 cup frozen red raspberry
                              1 cup (unsweetened) So Delicious Coconut Milk
                           1 scoop Growing Naturals Vanilla Blast Yellow Pea Protein(I love this!)
                              2 tablespoons of Chia seeds
Blend until smooth and bottoms up. Enjoy!
Sooo good!
Along with organic veggies and fruits, brown rice, brown rice flour, brown rice pasta, farm-raised eggs, farm-raised-grass-fed poultry, minimal dairy, grass-fed beef, lamb, wild-caught scallops, salmon, and shrimp and my delicious Virgin Diet Smoothies dining has become something I really look forward to.

I am not sleepwalking and no, this is not a dream, The Virgin Diet is for real...believe that!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Just Drop It Like It's Hot

The Virgin Diet

Drop 7 Foods For 7 Days Lose 7 Pounds

Cycle 3
Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary, 
Today, one of the women at church who had just returned from her summer vacation, approached me and began to ask me a litany of questions about my weight. "What are you doing?" "Have you lost weight?" "How did you did you do it?" Moving her hands in the air, as to show a  wave or curvy figure, she said something like, you have curves too! 
I told her that I was on a very special diet called The Virgin Diet. At that point, she looked as if you wanted to know more, and said, "Please tell me more, I want to know how you did it, because you look great! Excitingly she added where can I find the book.
I was flabbergasted to see her reaction to my weight loss and became increasingly intrigued by her interest. So, I told her all about my Virgin Diet experience. I must have been talking a mile a minute as I told her about my amazing Virgin Diet journey.

I simple told her that the premise of this diet is to drop 7 foods, for just 7 days and lose 7 pounds and according to JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet, food intolerance is the real cause of weight gain.
Pointing to her mid section, she said, "I just have this puffiness around the mid-section and I would love to lose it". "But I see that your waistline is trimmed and curvy", she added. She was amazed.
I love sharing my Virgin Diet experiences and lifestyle with others.
This is how I did it:
Breakfast:  Drink daily smoothies with blended organic berry, pea protein smoothie, flax or chia seeds, and coconut milk or coconut water or almond milk. 
Lunch and Dinner: Daily meals that consist of:
  • Organic fruits and veggies
  • Grass-fed beef, lamb
  • Free-range, anti-biotic chicken, turkey
  • Wild-caught seafood
Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Drink plenty of water between meals and throughout the day. Ideal water consumption should consist of half your body water in ounces per day(according to JJ Virgin creator of The Virgin Diet)
Diary, today, I received affirmation that The Virgin Diet really works and is incredibly rewarding.
Until later.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Energize For Better Health

Just Follow The Virgin Diet

Cycle 3
Diary of  a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
I can't believe the joy that The Virgin Diet has truly bought me. I never would have thought in a million years that I would be able to make a diet an actual lifestyle for myself. And ...,I did!
See, I started this Virgin Diet journey in January 2016, and have not regretted it. It's the best thing that I have ever..., ever....ever.., done for myself. That's right, I am following The Virgin Diet for me. Me, myself, and I. It's about choices and I choose The Virgin Diet lifestyle because of it's rewarding returns.
Sometimes, you just have to take charge of your body and decide what to eat or not eat in order to sustain better health. So what do I mean by better health? Well, here it is. Okay, so far, I have loss 35 lbs.(yes, and my weight loss remains at 35lbs weight loss while in Cycle 3), I no longer suffer from brain fog(it's like I had air head all the time-I thought that foggy brain was normal), now , I'm more alert, focused and with better concentration. And, sleep has never been better, I am getting up to 7 hours sleep each night. It's incredible! There is absolutely nothing... nothing...did I say nothing like getting a good night's sleep. I mean I wake up refreshed and ready to start my day. According to JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet, insufficient sleep can make you fat and sabotage the rest of your health. Who knew!
Although, these are really some amazing benefits of The Virgin Diet, another very important benefit is the enormous energy boost that I get from it is astounding! Limitless energy. I just love it when Captain Kirk of Star Trek said the word, "Energize", before he was to transported from one place to the other. (By the way, I love Star Trek!)
Now that I have all this energy, I am going to use it by exercising more. Increase my walking steps(get the old pedometer out and measure my walking pace), That's right, "Get To Stepping"! start cycling again, increase my strength training exercises (lifting 5 lbs. hand weights-try and lift more) and began to drop it like it's not,  oh, I mean like it's hot. I got to get moving. Do more exercise to better utilize my newfound energy. I got to "Utilize the Energize" for better health. 
For me, The Virgin Diet has been tremendously advantageous and totally easy to follow. Now that I am in Cycle 3 of the diet, where I refrain from eating corn, peanuts, sugar and artificial  sweeteners and minimal gluten-no wheat(food intolerance to wheat),. However, if I happen to eat one of the foods that is not allowed(Perhaps if I am out to dinner or lunch with friends), I just start the detox process again by stopping the seven foods for 7 days., continue my wonderful, daily Virgin Diet Smoothies. "Keep Calm and Smooth It!"
Keep Calm and Smooth It!
Virgin Diet Smoothie
                    1 cup of So Delicious Coconut water or coconut milk
(may use almond milk too)
 1 cup of frozen fruit (berries- raspberries,
   strawberries, blackberries, or dark cherries
           1 scoop of Growing Naturals Vanilla Blast Pea Protein
1-2 tablespoons of Flax or Chia
Keep calm and smooth it-blend it and drink up!
 It's the daily best- Love it!
Yes, The Virgin Diet, a great diet, with great returns and gives me unbelievable energy.
Until later.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Virgin Diet Summertime Fun

Coconut Water Cool Down

Cycle 3

Diary of A Virgin Diet Follower
Hey Diary,
I am still in Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet, that"s  the maintenance part of the diet where I stay away from corn, peanuts, gluten and sugar and artificial sweeteners, and eat the foods that I can tolerate(eggs, some dairy).
Now that it's summertime and The Virgin Diet continues to be going very well, I thought that it would be a good time for a little tweeking, not twurking my Virgin Diet regimen.
Recently, I started making my daily smoothies with coconut water instead of coconut milk, and I feel my better. It 's probably because I get better hydration with the coconut water and coconut water definitely have less calories than the coconut milk. Coconut water is also high in potassium a great thirst quencher. I love it! I drink it instead of filtered water. Yummy good!
Aside from the taste, I have noticed other a few other benefits, like
my skin is more supple, and I now use less lotion( I thought that I was my imagination, but I no longer have to lotion), I also seem to have boundless energy. Yes, I can always use more energy.
By the way, I found a new coconut water called, Harvest Bay and it is really good tasting. I first discovered it while on vacation Washington, DC  when shopping at a health food store in the Eastern Markets. I remembered the taste of the coconut water to be soo good, but just could not remember that name of it.
It's all natural and not made from concentrate and soooo good ! Who knew that there was a difference in coconut waters. Well, I didn't. Harvest Bay Coconut Water makes a great smoothie too.
It seems to blend better with the pea protein powder, grounded chia seeds, and the frozen berries. 
Today, I created a Cool It Down Virgin Diet Smoothie. Okay, so what's  a Cool It Down Virgin Diet Smoothie? It's one of the best treats ever!
These long, hot summer days can be almost unbearable, however  my Cool It Down Virgin Diet Smoothie make things a little bit sweeter!
My Cool It Down Virgin Diet Smoothie is simple to make. Here's how:
Cool It Down Virgin Diet Smoothie
1 cup extreme chilled Harvest Bay Coconut Water
1 cup Frozen (hard frozen) Mixed Berries
1 scoop of Growing Naturals Yellow Pea Protein
1 tablespoon ground Chia Seeds
That's it!
Blend totally until smooth and drink with pleasure
This smoothie is absolutely great first thing in the morning, or last thing in the evening. (Maybe for lunch) . I just love my daily smoothie, and now that I have the Harvest Bay Coconut water.....
It's all good.
Until later diary,

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cauliflower and The Virgin Diet

A Great Match-Up

Cycle 3

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Recently, I made an exciting discovery about a vegetable that was so visually unappealing to me that I didn't think to ever try.  Cauliflower...yep, that right! For me, cauliflower looked tasteless, bumpy, pasty, and just one vegetable that I didn't care to try.
Until...  One day, a friend and follower of the blog called me and during our conversation about the great benefits of The Virgin Diet, she asked the question, "Hey, have you ever tried cauliflower?" She went on to rave about the great taste and versatility of this amazing vegetable. She said, you can mash-it, roast-it, steam-it, or even eat it raw.
I was taken aback because I never knew that cauliflower had such edible versatility. 
Although,  JJ Virgin has some good-looking cauliflower recipes in her book, The Virgin Diet, I sort of over-looked them because of my inhibitions about this more than bizarre (in my eyes) vegetable. 
I did know that it must be somehow related to broccoli, and now find that it a cousin.
So after talking with my friend, curiousity go the best of me and I decided to do some research about cauliflower. Yes, I Google-it!
Here is what I found, according to JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet, the nutritional claims of cauliflower is its amazing cancer-fighting power. Who knew?? I had no idea. JJ Virgin has a fantastic Cauliflower and Nut Recipe in her book, The Virgin Diet.

Dr. Mercola, a natural health expert, states that cauliflower has eight health benefits:
1. Fight Cancer

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that has also been shown to kill cancer stem cells, thereby slowing tumor growth. Some researchers believe eliminating cancer stem cells may be key to controlling cancer.
For instance, research has shown that combining cauliflower with curcumin (the active compound in the spice turmeric) may help prevent and treat prostate cancer.1
A study published in Carcinogenesis also found sulforaphane may reduce the incidence and rate of chemically induced mammary tumors in animals.2 It also inhibits the growth of cultured human breast cancer cells, leading to cell death.
Other compounds in cauliflower also show anti-cancer effects. According to the National Cancer Institute:3
"Indoles and isothiocyanates have been found to inhibit the development of cancer in several organs in rats and mice, including the bladder, breast, colon, liver, lung, and stomach."
2. Boost Heart Health
Sulforaphane in cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables has been found to significantly improve blood pressure and kidney function.4 Scientists believe sulforaphane's benefits are related to improved DNA methylation, which is crucial for normal cellular function and proper gene expression, especially in the easily damaged inner lining of the arteries known as the endothelium.
3. It's Anti-Inflammatory
You need some level of inflammation in your body to stay healthy. However, it's also possible, and increasingly common, for the inflammatory response to get out of hand.

If your immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response when no threat is present, it can lead to significant inflammation-related damage to the body, a condition linked to cancer and other diseases, depending on which organs the inflammation is impacting.
Cauliflower contains a wealth of anti-inflammatory nutrients to help keep inflammation in check, including indole-3-carbinol or I3C, an anti-inflammatory compound that may operate at the genetic level to help prevent the inflammatory responses at its foundational level.5
4. It's Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Most Americans are seriously lacking in nutrients their body needs to function. Eating cauliflower regularly is a simple way to get these much-needed nutrients into your body. For instance, one serving of cauliflower contains 77 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. It's also a good source of vitamin K, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, and manganese.
5. Boost Your Brain Health
Cauliflower is a good source of choline, a B vitamin known for its role in brain development. Choline intake during pregnancy "super-charged" the brain activity of animals in utero, indicating that it may boost cognitive function, and improve learning and memory. It may even diminish age-related memory decline and your brain's vulnerability to toxins during childhood, as well as conferring protection later in life.6
6. Detoxification Support
Cauliflower helps your body's ability to detoxify in multiple ways. It contains antioxidants that support Phase 1 detoxification along with sulfur-containing nutrients important for Phase 2 detox activities. The glucosinolates in cauliflower also activate detoxification enzymes.7
7. Digestive Benefits
Cauliflower is an important source of dietary fiber for digestive health. But that's not all. According to the World's Healthiest Foods:8
"Researchers have determined that the sulforaphane made from a glucosinolate in cauliflower (glucoraphanin) can help protect the lining of your stomach. Sulforaphane provides you with this health benefit by preventing bacterial overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori in your stomach or too much clinging by this bacterium to your stomach wall."
8. Antioxidants and Phytonutrients Galore
Eating cauliflower is like winning the antioxidant and phytonutrient lottery. It's packed with vitamin C, beta-carotene, kaempferol, quercetin, rutin, cinnamic acid, and much more. Antioxidants are nature's way of providing your cells with adequate defense against attack by reactive oxygen species (ROS).

As long as you have these important micronutrients, your body will be able to resist aging caused by your everyday exposure to pollutants, chronic stress, and more. If you don't have an adequate supply of antioxidants to help squelch free radicals, then you can be at risk of oxidative stress, which leads to accelerated tissue and organ damage.
That 's Yuge(huge)!
Thanks to my friend and follower my Diary of the Virgin Diet Follower's blog, I am going to regularly include cauliflower in my diet.
Diary until later.


Monday, July 11, 2016

New Orleans Virgin Diet Style

Who Dat?

Dear Diary,
Okay, sooo... Last week while in the "Big Easy", New Orleans, I celebrated it with The Virgin Diet, New Orleans, Louisiana Style. It was awesomely refreshing! First things, first, I started my day with a NOLA Virgin Diet Smoothie filled with luscious blueberries, unsweetened coconut milk, pea protein, chia seeds, a couple of sprigs of spinach and a dash of Stevia.  Blend all these ingredients and savored the wonderful flavor with bottoms up! 
For me, The Virgin Diet Smoothie is the best way to start my day for more reasons than one. For instance, it has high nutritional  value, quite tasty, simple to make, convenient for on-the-go and satisfyingly filling for 3, 4, even 5 hours. 
Each morning after my smoothie, I dash out to see the sights of New Orleans. From the trolley ride downtown to beautiful Canal Street to the wonderful historic cityscape of New Orleans- I had a grand time. Without the smoothie, I  would not have had the boundless energy to hop on and off the trolley for shopping, sight-seeing, and enjoy the many eateries. I even found that most of the New Orleans restaurant have gluten-free menus too.

The Virgin Diet Smoothie always offer a better food choice  when I travel because it helps me free up time for more fun,  instead of spending time trying to figure out what to eat everyday. Since, The Virgin Diet  Smoothie is a meal replacement in itself, what to eat is oftentimes a no-brainer. I simply have The Virgin Diet Smoothie at the start of me day.
I had a great time in New Orleans, but I could not have had the energy to pack so much fun  without The virgin Diet Smoothie. This time I did The Virgin Diet Smoothie New Orleans Style and it was great!!
Diary thanks for coming along.
Until later,

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Virgin Diet Reality Check

The Old Diary

Cycle 3

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary, 
While rummaging through my old trunk of things that only I think meaningful to no one else but me, I found something interesting. I found my old diary, with some real juicy writings inside. Umm, Humm....
Yup, really juicy writings too.
Anyway, written right in the front of this diary,(by the way this is a Five Year Diary that I just stopped writing in, I  suppose life kind of got in the way) and on the "This book belongs to "page, I found something that had long been forgotten. Remember, the old diary was literally buried in the bottom of an old trunk of treasures (treasures in my mind, of course) for a very long time.
 Listed at the bottom of the page was a section with body identifiers like: waist, chest, height and my weight.
When I saw what my weight was in this old diary, I could hardly believe my eyes. It was a definite reality check. My weight was at 131 pounds just 20 years.  Wow! My weight, 131 pounds, my waist was 25 ½ inches and my chest was 34. Incredibly.
My Five Year Diary

Weight, Height, Waist and Chest Measurements from Dairy

When I started The Virgin Diet back in January 2016, I was 195 pounds. I had no idea of how much weight that I had really gained throughout the years. No idea. Until, until I saw it in this old diary.
This revelation is somewhat startling.
But, thanks to The Virgin Diet, my weight is now 160 pounds, and
have completed, Cycle 1 and 2 of the diet, presently in Cycle 3 enjoying The Virgin Diet Life. Nice!
As a result of the diet, I've not only lost weight, but feel great, feel lighter, possess boundless energy, sleep better( like a baby), better focus and concentration(no foggy brain) during the day, my skin feels softer, food taste so much better. and so much more.
Looking through my old Five Year Diary brought back such great memories. That was then and this in now. And now, while on my incredible Virgin Diet journey, I am creating new memories of a healthier lifestyle.  I 'm writing a new diary about the wonders of The Virgin Diet.
So, from Diary to diary, keep on, keeping on!

Monday, June 20, 2016

A Smoothie A Day Is The Way!

The Virgin Diet Life

Cycle 3

Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary, 
Now that I'm living The Virgin Diet Life, I often find myself reflecting back on some of the things that I did before I actually became a Virgin Diet Follower. Like the times when I used to go to a blockbuster movie and before I was seated in the theater, I grabbed a bucket of popcorn with extra butter(Yuk). Or, or what about the huge slice of Red Velvet Cake with Sour Cream Icing! Or, the times that I used to have a gigantic waffle cone piled a mile high with salted caramel ice cream, toppled with chopped nuts. Ohh boy!!  Or, a breakfast of pancakes made from pancake mix, swimming in a pool of butter and syrup. Hmmmm....(eyes closed shut with a vision of it all)
Oops! I drifted off for a moment! 
I'm back!! I'm back!!
Even with all of that, nothing...,and I mean nothing can replace my super delicious Berry Virgin Diet Smoothie. None that. No, I serious. None of those things could ever replace the wonderful taste and benefits of The Virgin Diet Smoothie. It's powerfully good to me and good to me. 
Here are some of the benefits of The Virgin Diet Smoothie and why I love it:
  1. It helps me lose  weight and keep the weight off
  2. It gives me that full feeling and eliminates overeating 
  3. It's nutritious and protein enriched
  4. It's a meal replacement
Those are just some of the many reasons why I stick with The Virgin Diet and it's nutritious smoothies.  The smoothie actually helps me stay on a balanced diet regimen, especially when I am too busy to cook or get to the grocery store. 
JJ Virgin says that she is fan of replacing a meal per day with  a smoothie.  Smoothies are quick and easy and I drink them when I am on the go too. 
Easy Peasy!
A smoothie a day is the way to weight loss success and a healthier lifestyle.
I am in Cycle 3 of  The Virgin Diet and maintain my 35 pound weight loss by having one protein berry smoothie a day and two Virgin Diet Plate meals(with clean protein, healthy fats, high fiber, low glycemic carbs, nuts, and nonstarchy vegetables).
Smoothie A Day
A Smoothie A Day
Will Keep Me Fit Okay!

Diary, The Virgin Diet Life is for me, what about you?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Virgin Diet Is A Family Affair!

Yes! It's A Family Affair,

Cycle 3

Diary of  A Virgin Diet  Follower
Hello Diary,
I'm jamming with Sly and The Family Stone and The Virgin Diet!
(Sly singing with his sister Rose)
Sly and The Family Stone
Family Affair

It's a family affair
It's a family affair
It's a family affair
It's a family affair
One child grows up to be
Somebody that just loves to learn
And another child grows up to be
Somebody you'd just love to burn
Mom loves the both of them
You see, it's in the blood
Both kids are good to mom
Blood's thicker than the mud......
For me, The Virgin  Diet is officially a Family Affair!
Here's why,.... recently my brother told me that he had purchased The Virgin Diet book and has been on The Virgin Diet regimen for the past month. Surprise! surprise! Surprise! But the real surprise is that he actually lost a total of 15 pounds. Yes, I said it... 15 pounds in four weeks! That's is awesomely incredible! So The Virgin Diet really does work for everyone. It seems that men tend to lose weight faster than women because they have more muscle mass than women. Whatever, it was he lost weight and fast too.
Now my brother likes his daily smoothie with almond milk instead of coconut milk. I think that it's great that JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet gives everyone a choice of coconut or almond milk, or coconut water in the daily protein smoothie.  It's just a matter of preference.
He stopped the seven foods corn, sugar and artificial sweetener, peanuts, eggs, gluten, dairy,  and soy, for 7 days, and lost 8 pounds. But My brother didn't just stop there, he stuck with The Virgin Diet plan and has lost 15 pounds. I'm am proud of him! Welcome abroad brother, this is Virgin Diet fantastic action!
In January 2016, I became a JJ Virgin Diet follower because of my sister's amazing record-breaking success after she had been on The Virgin Diet for just 1-2-3-4-5-that's five months. See, my sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure, obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy made a lifestyle decision. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds, lower blood pressure, boundless energy, and  looks super fabulous.
After seeing my sister's amazing results, I wanted to not only lose weight, but I wanted to look and feel, do and be super fabulous just like her, so I began my Virgin Diet journey too! I have to say the journey has been one incredible road to a healthier lifestyle  and happiness. After six months, I reached  my weight loss goal and am 35 pounds lighter, sleeping better, more focused with sharper concentration (no foggy brain), smoother skin, and feeling just  T-errific!
Diary, that why it's a just like Sly and The Family says, "It's A Family Affair"!
I am so grateful to my sister for thinking enough of her family to share The Virgin Diet with my brother and myself.
Most of all I thank JJ Virgin for sharing The Virgin Diet with the universe!
Later Diary!


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

While Losing Weight Treat Yourself

Try Dry Brush Massage

Cycle 3
Diary of A Virgin Diet Follower
Dear Diary,
Now that I am in Cycle 3 of The Virgin Diet, it's important not only to continue following the regimen, but to also reward myself along the way. The Virgin Diet is very easy to follow, and all that I have to do to lose weight, maintain my weight lose and sustain better health is to simply staying away from those foods that I am intolerant .
Sounds simply, however, even something that seems so simply can be  the most difficult at times. But, and that a Big But, Do-able!
Lately, since my weight loss, I have noticed that my skin seems to be a little dry and flaky in some areas, especially the legs arms, and elbows. I 've used lotions, and nothing seemed to work, that's when I turned to Dry Brush Massage.
Sooo, Diary, What's a dry brush massage?
Dry Brush Massage serves as a detox and is a wonderful way to exfoliate and cleanse clogged pores, increase energy and blood circulation, minimize cellulite, and makes me feel rejuvenated. Its a real treat.
Sooo, Diary, How do I do it...,this dry brush massage?
Great question! First thing needed is a 100%  natural bristle spa brush . I was lucky enough to find a spa brush set with a full video on how to use it at http://spa.how . Watch the video for full instructions at SpaVerde.
Now, this is a real nice treat! Daily dry brush massaging is quite beneficial for total body health. After my dry brush massage session, I make sure that I shower, or bath to rid my skin of the dead skin and toxins. The results have been astounding.
For me, the dry brush massage has been exuberating and is a great way for me to help maintain healthy skin balance. 
So Diary, treat I'm treating myself daily to this amazing dry brush massage. I'm loving it!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Are You Losing Weight?

Anyone Can Lose Weight on The Virgin Diet

Cycle 3
Diary of a Virgin Diet Follower
Hey Diary,
Guess what?
Anyone with the desire to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle can easily do so with the wondrous Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin.
I tell everyone I meet about how I learn to eat healthier, feel better and lose weight. Lose weight... that's the best part.
The other day I was at a gathering and a couple of people made several comments and about how fabulous I looked immediately wanted to know had I loss weight. When I told them yes, I have been on a very special diet and I've actually lost 35 lb. Now, of
course, that's when all the question rolled-out. Questions like:
How did you lose weight?, What do I have to do to lose weight? Is the diet expensive to do? How can I get started? Tell me! Tell me Tell me! They kept saying. So, I told them as they leaned forward and listened.
With the biggest smile on  my face(because that's really the first time someone said , You look fabulous! Are you losing weight?)
The Virgin Diet, that's it! The Virgin Diet, one of the most wonderful diets ever, and it can easily become a healthy lifestyle. I told them about some of the marvelous benefits of the diet such as
 better sleeping, lighter feel, relaxed, calmer feeling, less food craving, more focus and better concentration, and on and on I went.  I was so excited in telling them about The Virgin Diet I saw that they became mesmerized.
So, I quickly referred them to The Diary of a JJ Diary Diet Follower blog, jjvirgin.com and advised them to get a copy of The Virgin Diet book as soon as they could, ever if they had to request a copy from the local library. Although, buying a copy is better for 
quick reference at you fingertips at all times.
Now that I have achieved my weight loss goal, and completed my food intolerance test(added eggs and minimal diary back into my diet), and in the finally stage of The Virgin Diet, Cycle 3.
Cycle 3 is not very hard to maintain since most of the hard work was in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 of The Virgin Diet. It's actually pretty easy and is very quickly becoming my way of life. I love it!
It I can do so can you. And just wait until someone says to you...Are you losing weight? You look fabulous!
Diary , Thanks, Now let's keep on keeping on!