Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

To All Of Those Virgin Diet Nay Sayers

💗💗💗I Say...

You are missing out.

Cycle 3
Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower 

Dear Diary,
It's been some time since I last wrote about my wonderful journey as a Virgin Diet follower. And yes, believe me when I say, I'm still raving about this fabulous diet.
When I'm out and about, people stop me and ask what I am I doing. They say things like, "You look great!", "How did you lose weight?"," It's expensive right?", How much weight did you lose and how long did it take?",  "So..., all I have to do is to stop 7 foods for 7 days and lose 7 pounds... seriously?" So many questions with just one easy answer which is The Virgin Diet. 
However, and yet, at the same time, I have the naysayers, those non-believers with their negative comments like; "Yeah, so you lost some weight it won't be long before you gain it all back!" What a comment. Who does that? I absolutely could hardly believe that someone would say something like that to someone else that has made a healthy lifestyle choice to follow The Virgin Diet. Anyway, it's the naysayers that keep me motivate me to stay focus and continue following this awesome Virgin Diet lifestyle.
I love The Virgin Diet and all the benefits that it offers. Why anyone that wishes to lose weight, gain a better control of eating healthy, feel better, gain sharper mindfulness, looking better and creating a marvelously healthy lifestyle. If can do it anyone can.
Right now, The Virgin Diet has become my best friend. There is nothing like it.
Since I have been following The Virgin Diet some of the naysayers have actually become followers too.
So. to all the naysayers.... Get On The Virgin Diet Train and get ready to has great time and realize some amazing benefits that can last for a lifetime. Don't miss out on one! It a terrific opportunity.
How to get started....
Stop 7 these foods: Corn, Peanuts, Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners, Eggs, Diary, Gluten, Soy
For 7 days
Lose 7 pounds
Believe me it works!
Just try it!
Until later,
Diary thanks for being here for me.


Drink Plenty of Water

Daily Berry Smoothies Are Key

Check weight once a week

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