Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Amazing Diet

What The Virgin Diet Has Done For Me

Day 59

Cycle 1

Dear Diary,
The Virgin Diet is one of the most amazing diet journeys I have ever been on. As a matter of fact, its the only diet journey that actually gave me an explanation for the reason why I kept gaining more and more weight in the first place. According to JJ Virgin, my fat was not my fault, and she goes to say how some foods that I previous ate can set off food intolerance that kept the weight on, even when I cut back on calories.  
The Virgin Diet book by JJ Virgin, increasingly sparked my interest in food intolerances and how some food affected me. 
Now, I'll have to admit that I was a bit afraid to get started with the diet. I'm not sure if it was due to lack of confidence, the fear of failure, lack of commitment, or what. For whatever reason, I knew that I wanted (no needed) to make a change in the way I took care of myself, and what better place to start is with my health.
So, I made it my 2016 New Years Resolution to commit to health, lose weight, and feel better.  Sounds like I was asking for an awful lot doesn't it? And I was....
Anyway, since, I have been following The Virgin Diet,  I have noticed soooo many good changes aside from the weight loss and loss of inches in my waist, there are obvious signs that almost went unnoticed.
For instances, I use to have these, for lack of a better word "camel humps"(at least that how I describe them), two extra pockets fat that ran horizontally across my back at the top, and middle down to the waist of my back that would stick out when wearing a blouse of tee shirt. These my "camel hump" also seemed to  affect my posture and sometimes gave me a backache.  I'm don't know how these little pockets of fat got there, I can't even pinpoint exactly when they showed up, and I didn't how to get rid of them either. I really tried... I'd worked out on the treadmill, I did power walks, I'd ride the bike, row the boat, and roller blade skating, .... And guess what happened? Nothing! Absolutely nothing, they were still stuck to my body. Just when I thought that I was permanently stuck with my "camel hump", is when it happened.
A few days ago, and for the first time, I've noticed that my "camel humps" are disappearing. I could hardly believe my eyes. Look, they're not gone completely and my back is not totally flat yet, but its getting there. The pounds seem to melt just away.

I've also noticed that my stomach is getting flat too. My abs are not ripped(Hey, I will certainly let someone know when I see the abs, Okay!), but the stomach is slowly flattening. It's amazing!
So far, I 'm down two dress sizes and now can actually zip it up without any struggle.
I'd given away all of my smaller clothes because I just never thought that I would ever be able to wear them again.
Until now....  
But wait, that's not all... My energy levels have increased and are steady throughout the day, I have sharper focus and concentration, and ability to take deeper breaths. Everyday, there is something new about how good The Virgin Diet makes I feel. Its an absolutely treasure!!
For me, The Virgin Diet is sooo easy to do, I just love it and am happy that JJ Virgin decided to share with everyone.
Thank you JJ Virgin!
Well Diary,
Let's wrap it up!

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