Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Future of My Cycle 2

I See a Cycle 2 in My Future

Cycle 1

Day 73

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Dear Diary,
When I started The Virgin Diet journey back in January 2016, I never dreamed that in a million, no a billion years that I could lose weight so easily and feel so good.
Today, someone actually noticed that there was something different about me and even commented that I look fabulous, is it your new diet, they said. Okay, here comes the shade...Oh, so when you stop the dieting, you are just going to gain all that weight back. I thought,"Wonk! Wonk!" and responded to them, "No, because I'm eating good clean foods".  I kept my respond vague because I wanted them to ask more about the diet and what did I mean by "clean" foods.  I'll wait.
The fact of the matter is that since I've been following The Virgin Diet for a couple of months, this new way of eating and the wonderful organic berry smoothies are becoming a way of life. For me, with all the fantastic benefits of The Virgin Diet...it's a no brainer. 
The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin says to drop 7 foods for 7 days, and lose 7 pounds. It really works!
Right now, I'm presently in Cycle 1 of The Virgin Diet, where I dropped 7 forbidden foods which are: Corn, Soy, Peanuts, Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners, Eggs, Diary and Glutens. After the first seven days, I had lost 8 pounds. Now, that was amazing! So, I kept on going and as of today, I've lost 27 lbs. Incredible!
In the next cycle, Cycle 2, I will bring the forbidden foods back into my diet and test them to which ones that I can tolerance. 
According to JJ Virgin, intolerances to certain food made me gain weight. The best way to find out which foods intolerances I have is to stop the 7 forbidden food for 21 days(that's Cycle 1)and start them again(Cycle 2).

However, I've extended my Cycle 1 until  I reach my 30lbs weight loss, then I will challenge the forbidden foods in Cycle 2.
It's getting close as I continue to enjoy my Daily Smoothie packed with Growing Naturals Yellow Pea Protein, frozen organic berries(raspberries are my favorite, no strawberries, no blueberries, no raspberries... anyway, I like the berries...sooo good), chia or flax seeds and coconut milk or coconut water.  The smoothie is the key to the success of the Virgin Diet and I fluctuate between 1-2 smoothie per day. They are just that good!! Love it!
Okay Diary, maybe tomorrow will be the day I start Cycle 2.
Until then, goodbye. 


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