Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Gut Feelings

Get Gut Healthy

Cycle 1

A JJ Virgin Diet Follower
Day 25

Hey Diary,
According to JJ Virgin, nutrition and fitness expert discover that  food sensitivity and intolerance can not only cause weight gain, but digestive trouble such as bloating, gas, constipation. Before starting the JJ Virgin Diet regimen. I used to have indigestion and bloating frequently, but since dropping the 7 foods and following JJ Virgin Diet for the past 4 weeks that is.... No Soy, No Eggs, No Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners, No Diary, No Peanuts, No Corn, No Glutens,  I feel better, my stomach feels more relaxed( if that possible), and no bloating.
The Virgin Diet, the book, JJ Virgin writes about food intolerance and how it can create a leaky gut and causing other like lactose intolerance. For instance, when I'd drank a glass of milk along with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...it tasted good but I did not feel good afterward. Not only would I feel lethargic with low energy but had bloating, and indigestion as well. I never attributed the way I felt to the foods that I ate... until now.

Each day on the Virgin Diet gets easier and I believe its quickly becoming a healthy new lifestyle... and it feels good.

Well Diary I've got to go now.

So long, from A JJ Virgin Diet Follower



Saturday, January 30, 2016

Peek A Boo Labels

Peek a Boo

Finding Hidden Foods

Reading The Labels
Day 24
Hey Diary,
You won't believe what I found hidden in my multi-vitamins...Go ahead, guess...Soy!, It was Soy! That's what I found listed in the ingredient information on the side of the vitamin bottle. It read: CONTAINS SOY.  Soy is one of the 7 foods I dropped on The Virgin Diet.  Unbelievable! That's when I realized that the 7 foods:
Soy, Diary, Corn, Glutens, Peanuts, Eggs, and Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners could be hidden in the most unsuspecting places.  A multi-vitamin, I mean...Really?
I have to be like Sherlock Holmes with my hat and magnifying glass in search for these 7 foods. Sometimes they hide with uncommon names too.
So now, its time for me to show where I found some of those "7" foods
  1. Soy - Vitamins, Salad dressings, Soy protein powders
  2. Corn- Salad dressings, corn meal,
  3. Peanuts- Salad dressings
  4. Eggs- Salad dressings 
  5. Glutens- Flour
  6. Dairy- Salad dressings
  7. Sugar and Artificial Sweetener- Salad dressings
Wow, I found most of the 7 foods in salad dressings.. hmm. That's interesting.
Read the labels and know what in everything that you eat.
Goodbye Diary, 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Virgin Diet Plate

My Virgin Diet Plate

Cycle 1
Day 23
So Diary,
This is my second go around of  Cycle 1, the elimination phase of the JJ Virgin Diet regimen.  For the first 21 days of the elimination process I have avoided  the 7 foods ( Corn, Soy, Peanuts, Sugar and Artificial sweeteners, Gluten, Eggs, and Dairy), and enjoyed food and smoothies from my new food categories as I continue to do today.
Now, I have new food categories to manage my meals:
  1. Clean Lean Proteins-3-4 times a week; enjoy Virgin Protein Smoothies/Shakes
  2. Healthy Fats-
  3. Nuts
  4. Nonstarchy Vegetables
  5. High Fiber Low Glycemic Carbs
I plan my breakfast, lunch, and dinners from these 5 food categories and now I use The Virgin Diet Plate model to assemble my meals .
Here's how my Virgin Plate looks like:

This is My Virgin Plate and all the different foods that I'm eating from food categories of JJ Virgin Diet.
According JJ Virgin: www.jjvirgin.com
  • The protein works with the fiber to slow down stomach emptying. Improve satiety and makes you feel full.
  • The fat triggers the small intestine to release chemicals to the brain that it's full.
  • Have loads of nonstarchy vegetables for antioxidants and satiety.
  • A small amount of low-glycemic, high fiber carbs, such as lentils an berries, slowly release sugar to the brain for energy so that you can continue to focus. Keeps blood sugar stable and insulin low.
The Virgin Diet is becoming a lifestyle for me, so I'm going to keep going.
Thank Diary for listening,
A JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Inches, Pounds and Weight Loss, Oh My!

                          Inches, Pounds and Weight Loss

Oh My!

Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

Day 22

Hello Diary,
Inches and Pound and Weight Loss, Oh My!
Today I 've decided to stay in Cycle 1 until I reach my weight loss goal of 25-30 lbs. Then begin Cycle 2, where I'll reintroduce those foods that I have been avoiding back into my diet-one by one. 
I have to say that I feel fantastic after my first 21 Days of following The Virgin Diet.  I have more energy, sleep better, feel healthier, my skin looks clearer and more importantly, I've lost weight. It is no wonder why I am so motivated to continue to follow the JJ Virgin Diet until my goal is met. By reading JJ Virgin's books, watching her videos, and getting great tips from her website at www.jjvirgin.com , has allowed me to become more knowledgeable about foods and how they affect my weight.
Guess what? Aside from the scales, my tape measure has become one of  my most useful tools during my weight loss journey. I have seen  inches literally disappear. I remember... it was 21 days ago when my waist line measurement was 40 inches and now its nearly 35 inches. Amazing!
35 Inches

Stay In Cycle 1
In Cycle 1-21 days means that I will continue to cut out the top high-FI foods and fuel my system with healing foods and supplements.
The Virgin Diet Book
*Note to self* make sure none of those cookies, candy, cakes and  little temptations are just lying around during Cycles 1. No sugar....
at all, Okay!
Okay, okay, I got it!
Get Crackin'
I have to make sure I have my shopping list each time go grocery shopping.
There is a really good Grocery Shopping List at www.jjvirgin.com
I love using JJ Virgin's Grocery Shopping List because it is concise and saves me time. The things that I  can't find at the stores, I'll to find them online.
Oh, here one of my grocery shopping tips:
The Fresh Market
  • Get grass fed beef ( freshly ground, buy bulk, freeze in individual bags. Saves me money and is usually on sale)
  • Get organic chicken (usually on sale)
Tomorrow morning starts with a glass of water upon arising, weigh-in, tape measuring and...I must have my Breakfast Smoothie within the first hour of getting up.
So Diary, that's it for now,



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Smoothies Are Back!

Got My Smoothies Back

Day 21

Hello Diary,
Woo Hoo!! 

The End of Cycle 1

Unfortunately, what happened was...I  depleted my Pea Protein Powder supply for smoothies as at the very end of Cycle 1(during The First 21 Days of The Virgin Diet ) and unable to do the 25 lbs. Weight Loss Challenge. I didn't realized that I was low or running out. I thought that I could just run to the health food store and pick up more. No so... Anyway, I had to order the Pea Protein Powder online.
Daily smoothies are critical to the success of weight loss when following The Virgin Diet. Although, I came a  bit shih of having daily smoothies for the total 21 days, I still managed to lose weight. According to JJ Virgin, if I dropped 7 foods, for 7 Days I could lose 7 Pounds. I did just that. The results were astonishing-I lost 8 pounds after 7 days when I began to plateau but continued to lose inches and more weight. I continued following The Virgin Diet at www.jjvirgin.com for the balance of Cycle 1.
Woo Hoo!,
I Got My Smoothies Back!
 And now, I am back in the smoothie business again!!  Mr. FedEx delivered my Pea Protein Powder today and made my day! This time I got some Chocolate Pea Protein Powder and could hardly wait to add some luscious strawberries, So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk, and ground chia seed-hmm...sounds like a chocolate covered strawberry. Yum...
Yep, I'm back in the smoothie business!
Today is Day 21 in Cycle 1 of my JJ Virgin Diet journey. The first 21 days have been extremely remarkable, I had some surprises,  a whole lot of fun and I lost weight. 12 pounds to be exact. I can't say its been uneventful, but it has been great! And my jeans are feeling  a little less snug too.

Hey Diary,
In the future,  I've got to remember to pay close attention to my Virgin Diet groceries, in particular, my smoothies.
Until tomorrow, from a JJ Virgin Diet Follower.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Murphy's Law Interrupts Challenge

The 25 Pounds Weight Loss is Off

Day 20
The First 21 Days 
Hey Diary,
Have you ever heard of Murphy's Law?  It's an adage the states that anything can go wrong, will go wrong. Tomorrow would have been Day 21 of  The Virgin Diet journey.  And... just look what happened...
On the first day of my 25 Pounds Weight Loss Challenge I realized that I'd run out of Yellow Vanilla Blast Pea Protein,  that's is the main ingredient used in my smoothies/ Virgin Diet Shakes. This is not good at all! I checked with Whole Foods Market, they were out of stock - shelf empty and Trader Joe's did not have it either.  So I had to order it online. I sure hope that it come tomorrow. Who knew that it was such a hot ticket. Well,...I didn't. What I do know is that the smoothies/Virgin Diet Shakes are a critical part of The Virgin Diet www.jj virgin.com . I love my tasty smoothies because they are a nutritious meal in itself and to think that I am not able to make them.
Need More Pea Protein
Just when thing were going great, Murphy's Law showed up.
So.. what do I do now?
At this point, I just have to start my 21 Days cycle all over as soon as I get my Pea Protein Powder.  Meanwhile, I will stay on: :
                             Clean Lean Proteins
                                      Healthy Fats
                      High-fiber, low glycemic carbs
                                Nonstarchy vegetables 
                                   Stay Hydrated

Waiting for overnight pea protein to arrive.
*Note to self...check your pantry and fridge often and make sure that you stay stocked up on Virgin Diet supplies*

Goodbye Diary,

Monday, January 25, 2016

25 Poundage Challenge

"The Poundage Challenge"

The 25lb. Weight Loss Challenge

Day 19
The First 21 Days



It's on Diary,

Get This Challenge Started Right

Let's get this challenge started right... Let's  get this challenge started right...Let's get this challenge started right!

January 2016 brought about a change in my life when on January 1, I declared my New Years Resolution to be healthier and reduce my poundage by becoming a JJ Virgin Diet Follower. I 've already lost 12 pounds on this amazingly easy to follow Virgin Diet regimen and now... right now, the challenge, is to lose a total of 25 pounds by Day 21.  Yep, that's right,  Day 21. That's in a couple of days and, well do the math! Here's how I'm going to do it.
By simply following these steps www.jjvirgindiet.com :
  • Each morning, drink a glass of water first thing, if the taste is not good for me I 'll add fresh squeezed lemon. Stay hydrated throughout the day
  • Start my day with a Breakfast Smoothie-Virgin Diet Shake
Drink smoothie within 1 hour of waking up 
1-2 scoops yellow pea vanilla blast protein
1-2  tablespoons chia/flax seeds(ground)
1 cup of unsweetened So Delicious Coconut or Almond milk
½-1 cup of frozen berries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries
Stevia (sweeten to taste) (optional)
Blend in electric blender until smooth
Drink up! Yummy good!
  • The Virgin Plate for lunch or dinner
The Virgin Plate consist of  clean lean proteins (grass-fed beef, hormone-free, free-range chicken, pea-rice protein, wild cold water fish, etc.), healthy fats(avocado, coconut milk, olive oil, olives, chia /flax seeds, etc.), nuts, high-fiber, low glycemic carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, beets, black beans, lima beans, okra, etc. ), fruit( apples, berries)nonstarchy vegetables ( garlic, cabbage, onions, kale, spinach, broccoli, etc.)

  • Dinner- Smoothie/Virgin Shake or Virgin Plate
  • Eat 3-4 hours before bedtime
  • Drink a glass/cup of water before retiring for bed
  • Exercise -Walk
I have to remember to read the labels and look for clean labels when shopping at Trader Joe's, Fresh Market and Whole Food.

Okay Diary,
That's it!
 Sooo..Let's get this challenge started right!
25 lbs. Weight Loss Challenge


Sunday, January 24, 2016

My 25 Pound Weight Loss Challenge

The 25 lbs. Weight Loss Challenge

Day 18
The First 21 Days

Cycle 1

Hey Diary,
So far, due to my amazing weight loss results, I am very pleased with the Virgin Diet. Eighteen days ago, I began this life-changing journey as a JJ Virgin Diet Follower with hope of losing weight, feeling better and becoming as healthy as I could be.  And so, I purged my pantry and fridge of the top high FI foods- gluten, diary, corn, peanuts, soy, eggs, and sugar and artificial sweeteners. According to JJ Virgin, these foods most likely cause food intolerance www.jjvirgin.com .  Then, replenished my pantry and  fridge with low-Fi foods-proteins, non-starchy vegetables, fruit, fats, and high fiber starchy carbs. 
It is incredible, I dropped 7 foods and  I lost 7 pounds in 7 days!
To date, my total weight loss is 12 pounds.  I want to keep going. I am in Cycle 1 of the Virgin Diet where I eliminated high-FI foods and eat healing foods and supplements.
Okay here is... my goal is to lose 25 lbs. before I go on to the next cycle-Cycle 2. That IS Huge!  But, I am going to try it.

That's the 25 Pound Weight Loss Challenge

It on like popcorn...oh, that right, I can't eat any popcorn.
Anyway Diary,
This is The JJ Virgin Diary Follower saying keep on keeping on.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bust a Plateau

Bust a Plateau

Day 17
The First 21 Days

Dear Diary,
I had a meltdown yesterday because I thought that my weight loss progress had come to a screeching halt. But I found out that I have reached the "Plateau",  oh, a plateau is when you are following the Virgin Diet regimen and suddenly stop losing weight. Now what do I do next, Diary??  I have to keep going because I still have some more weight that I want to lose. 
 Yes, that's right,  plateau you have got to go! I'm following the JJ Virgin Diet and I still have weight to lose.  It's time to "Bust a Plateau".
Bust a Plateau

So, just how do I Bust a Plateau? Here what I going to do. I 'm in Cycle 1and have lost nearly 10 pound, 9½ pound to be exact after 17 days following the Virgin Diet. I'm going to take the Plateau and toss it out, crush it and get rid of it! That's what I going to do. Here are few of JJ Virgin's plateau busters:
  • Stay hydrated-drink half you body weight in ounces daily 
  • Replace 2 meals per day with Virgin Diet Shakes 
  • Exercise
  • Eat every 4-6 hours
There are more suggestion in The Virgin Diet Book.
I feel better now that I know what to do about this plateau thing that has brought my weight loss progress wagon to a halt.
BUST A PLATEAU and keep on going.

Stay with it for 21 days-Cycle1
Goodbye Diary

Friday, January 22, 2016

Weigh In Daze

Weigh In Daze

Day 16
The First 21 Days

Hey Diary,
After weighing today, I was somewhat disappointed because I thought that I was on a roll. I been following the  JJ Virgin Diet for 16 days and lost nearly 10 lb., but it seems as if my weight loss momentum is slowing down. Hmm... I am following The Virgin Diet, I'm eating all of the right foods, and drinking the yummy smoothies, feeling much better, sleeping like a baby, feeling like the energized bunny, however, a little dazed about my weight.
Okay, here it is the great not so Great Weigh-In.
 Drum roll please....
Weigh In Daze

Along with weighing on the scales, I decided to take measurements of my waist line on Day 9 which measured 40 inches.

Then measured my waist again on Day 12
Waist Measurement Loss after 12 days

So now I am losing inches and pounds! Awesome!
Maybe those jean will fit a little better now. You think?
Yeah, my weigh-in left me dazed until I got my tape measure out!
I am a JJ Virgin Diet Follower and losing pounds and inches. For more about the Virgin Diet visit www.jjvirgindiet.com . Get the book it is a really good read.
Thanks Diary, for being there.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

It's a Pea Not a Nut!



Peanut is not nut

A Peanut is not a nut!

Day 15
The First 21 Days
Okay Diary,
So today, I discovered that a peanut is not a nut, its a legume.  You know like the black-eyed pea, green split pea, black bean, lentil, and lima bean...legume. I have been duped! I should have known because a nut grows on a tree and legume grow beneath the ground. Who knew! Not I.
So why do peanuts taste so good and ... why can't I have them on The Virgin Diet??  For one, the peanut has high allergenic properties triggering food allergies and although it has adequate protein, its fatty acid profile is inadequate.
JJ Virgin says, "Tree nuts have a far superior fatty profile than legumes like peanuts".
Peanuts can cause gut problems and may cause arterial plaque to form.
The Virgin Diet recommends tree nuts such as: walnuts, almonds, pecans, brazil nuts, and cashews which makes a healthier food choice.
My favorite is the walnut... yummy yum. Especially when slow roasted with a sprinkle of flaky sea salt and a drizzle of red palm oil or olive oil, Mmmm, what a nice crunchy snack.
Slow Roasted Walnuts
Yummy Snack!

Peanuts are not always found in its original nut-like form. It can hide in various foods like:
  • Peanut butter( usually have sugar added for taste)
  • Candy
  • Snacks
  • Cookies
  • Eggs roll(oh nooo...  anyway)
  • Cereals
  • Margarine
  • Milk formula
  • Peanut Oil
  • Food toppings
Yes, you've got it, the list goes on and on.
Read the book -The Virgin Diet for more about the peanut and why I had to eliminate it from my diet in the first 21 days.
So Diary remember, The Pea is not a nut, okay.
The Virgin Diet consist of dropping 7 foods for 7 days and lose 7 pounds.
The 7 foods are eliminated on The Virgin Diet are Gluten, Corn, Soy, Sugar, Eggs, Dairy and Peanuts.
Tomorrow I will reveal my weight progress. I know diary, you can't wait!
Until then...


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Get Off The Dairy Train

                                  Get Off The Dairy Train

Day 14
The First 21 Days

Hey Diary,

WOO..., WOO!

The Dairy Train pulled into the station and that's where I got off.  You know, the Dairy Train, carrying dairy foods such as:
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Butter and some margarines
  • Mashed potatoes are prepared with milk solids
  • Creamy soups
  • Salad dressing (many-read the labels)
  • Sour Cream
  • Cream cheese(missing you..)
  • Whey (No Way-Yes Whey!)
  • Casein, caseinate, sodium caseinate
  • Lactose
  • Buttermilk
  • Ice Cream( Ice cream always made me bloaty)
  • Cottage cheese
  • Chocolate
Since dairy is one of the 7 foods (NO NO foods) eliminated for the first 21 days of The Virgin Diet, I stopped Dairy and got of the Dairy Train. According to JJ Virgin,  "Even if you can tolerate dairy, there are several significant problems that it can create for you, here are some of the biggest concerns":
  • Make you fat
  • Promote insulin resistance(contributes to weight gain)
  • Skin problems, acne
  • Bad for your bones(What! Are you serious!) causes osteoporosis
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Sinus problems
The Virgin Diet book gives a breakdown about dairy and these major issues. 
With the inability to have dairy and the need for calcium, I was wondering what foods would replace dairy.
After reading the Part II, Food to Avoid, three of my favorite foods on her replacement list for calcium are:
  1. Wild Salmon (Wild salmon is awesome!)
  2. Greens
  3. Walnuts
Oven roasted walnuts with a slightly salted with a drizzle of olive oil are a great in-between snack. DEE-lious!
Yes, I got off the Dairy Train and I feel better, sleep better, and have more energy.
From a JJ Virgin Diet Follower to you,
Until tomorrow Diary.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016



Day 13
The First 21 Days

Good Morning Diary,
The Blueberry breakfast smoothie was the best ever! My great smoothies in the mornings replaced my Chessy egg bacon omelet that I used to enjoy so much at breakfast. For me, eggs had to be part of my daily diet or food simply had no merit. However, that was before and this now( I'm a JJ Virgin Diet Follower). I don't know if my increased weight gain was caused by my Eggy food, but I'm interested to know whether I have food sensitivity or allergy to eggs. Eggs can cause stomach upset, gastrointestinal issues, bloating, heartburn and skin problems. In the past, I have  seemingly gotten heartburn after eating boiled eggs and just thought that it was normal.
That is why Eggxodus,  the removal of eggs from my diet at this time is important to me.
In The Virgin Diet Book, JJ Virgin, states that eggs are one of the  most reactive foods that she pulls in the first 3 weeks of Cycle 1. She finds that about 70% of her client test positive for egg intolerance.
Some of the eggs hiding places are:
  • Baked goods
  • Mayonnaise (Bye bye mayonnaise...I'll try not to cry)
  • Noodles
  • Breaded foods
  • Meat loaf
  • Cake flour
  • Pancakes
  • Creamy fillings
  • Macaroni and Cheese( Cry baby...)
The list goes on and on.  Get the book, The Virgin Diet or log on to www.virgindiet.com  .
In the mean time keep reading those nutritional facts and labels, that where I found so many hidden foods.
Stay consistent for the 21 Days of Cycle 1.
Don't forget to go to Skinnyum at www.skinnyum.blogspot.com for some great Virgin Diet-style recipes.
Okay, it's me, a Diary of a JJ Virgin Diet Follower signing off.
Bye Diary!



Monday, January 18, 2016

Love The Cherry

Love The Cherry

 Not The Cupcake 

Day 12
The First 21 Days
"Love the Cherry and Not the Cupcake"
Hello Diary,  It's Me,
I was wondering if you knew what gluten is and why I can't have it on the Virgin Diet?
Gluten is another one of the 7 foods ( NO NO Foods) that I Tossed Out a few days before starting The Virgin Diet.
Gluten, pronounced glootn ,a substance present in cereal grains, especially wheat, that is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. A mixture of two proteins, it causes illness in people with celiac disease. JJ Virgin says "Gluten is a form of protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and many processed foods". When I think of glutens, I think of the word glue that make stuff thick, sticky, gooey, and hard to get rid of...oh well ,you get the picture.
Where can I find these Gluten? Gluten have some interesting hiding place: Here's a list:
  • Bread and rolls (uhh, I use to just love the smell of fresh bread)
  • Pizza
  • Pancakes( I already gave my spill on pancake in an earlier post)
  • Muffins
  • Waffles
  • Stuffings
  • Cakes (Cupcake too!)
  • Some breakfast cereals
  • Rye bread
  • Pretzels
  • Luncheon meat contain fillers
  • Blue cheeses
  • Gravy mixes and stock cubes
  • Hydrolyzed Vegetables
  • Imitation crab meat
  • Biscuits
  • Pasta (Oh no, not pasta... yeah pasta too!)
  • Pumpernickel (there goes my pastrami sandwich)
  • Mustard
  • Curry powder and other spice (can contain flour as filler)
  • Soup
  • Instant coffee
  • Alcoholic drinks (beer, ale, lager)
  • Potato chips some may okay-read the label
  • Soy sauce
  • Salad dressings
  • Malt vinegar
  • White pepper
  • Baked beans
  • Self basting turkey
The list goes on and on. Find out more at www.virgindiet.com
I read in The Virgin Diet Book about how gluten can cause Celiac disease, leaky gut, weight gain and can even make it almost impossible me to lose weight.
Wow! Glootn, that's huge!
So Glootn.. you got to go...Adios!
Note to self... It's better to eat the cherry and just forget about the cupcake.
Later Diary,

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I Don't Mean To Be Corny....But

 Why Can't I Have Corn?

Day 11
The First 21 Days

So Diary,
Corn, is another one of the 7 foods (NO NO Food) that is not allowed on The Virgin Diet.  So why can't I have corn?... I'm glad that you asked. According to JJ Virgin, symptoms of corn allergies are similar to other food sensitivity reactions including rashes, hive migraines, joint pain, mood disorders, temporary depression, insomnia, eczema, fatigue, night sweats, ear infections, urinary tract infection and sinus problems.
Corn  is one of the most genetically modified crops. When corn is genetically modified, the benefits of corn changes, causing health risk.  
Read more at www.virgin.com.
So where is corn and where does it hide:
  • Popcorn
Popcorn! It's hard to believe how my seemingly harmless popcorn could taste so good yet be so bad for me, but it is. Okay I'm over now. Anyway...
  • Grits (I miss you)
  • Corn starch
  • Corn syrup
  • Vegetable oil
  • Corn sugars (look for the "Oses", you know, like Dextrose,   Cerelose, Purelose, Sweetose , or glucose) Just read the label and L@@K for the "Oses", corn is surely lurking around there somewhere.
  • Corn chips
  •  Breakfast cereal (flakes)

I have to be on the look out for hidden corn because they can  show up where you least expect them.

I am following the Virgin Diet regimen and I 've lost 10 pounds. It feels really good too! 
One Third Off



Saturday, January 16, 2016

Feel The Weight Loss

Healthy Weight Loss

Day 10
The First 21 Days
I can hardly wait to tell you how good I felt after weighing myself this morning. This weight loss journey is totally a defining moment in my life. As of today, Day 10 of following the Virgin Diet regimen, I have lost 8½ closer to 9 pounds.  Awesome! 
Weigh In on Day 10 of Virgin Diet
In the beginning, I had my reservations as to whether I would successfully be able to lose weight.  It really isn't as difficult as I anticipated. Once I removed the 7 foods that I needed to avoid from my pantry and fridge then replacing the pantry and fridge with good foods, it's was easy.  The smoothies really make it very easy to get a quick and easy breakfast, lunch or dinner especially when I'm on the go..
I feel great, have more energy than before, sleep like a baby and lost 9 pounds so far. That is amazing!
I am a JJ Virgin Diet Follower and enjoying the journey.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Soyless Living

Soy Less Life

Day 9
The First 21 Days

Hey Diary,
Soy, is one of the 7 foods (NO NO Foods) to avoid on the Virgin Diet regimen.  When I read this about the diet, I was relieved because of my own experience with soy a few years ago.
Years ago, nearly everyone was raving about soy milk and its incredible benefits.  I could hardly wait to try it. But when I started drink soy milk, I noticed that I began to feel different, bloated, tired, and began to gain weight, even though I was eating the same foods that I had always eaten.  I did not like feeling like that- so I stopped drinking soy milk.  Approximately 2 years ago I started eating edamame which are soybeans. I liked the way that they tasted, but again, I revisited the same experience as with the soy milk. And so, I began a soyless life.
Until I started the Virgin Diet, I did not know that soy was bad for some people. It certainly was not good for me. JJ Virgin says that some of the problems with soy is:
  • Disrupts your hormones
  • Bad for your thyroid
  • It's genetically modified
  • It's overly processed
                               It's In The Virgin Diet Book
I also did not know that soy is hidden in foods.
Asian Foods                         Soy Sauces
Energy Shakes and Bars                  And more
Read the labels

 I like the Virgin Diet because I feel healthier, have more energy, sleep better and I am losing weight. Lovin' it!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

How 7 Foods Changed My Life

How 7 Foods Changed My Life

Day 8
The First 21 Days
For the first 7 days of The Virgin Diet, I stopped eating 7 foods and I have dropped 7 pounds.  Today is Day 8 and some of the thing that I have noticed about this new way of eating is that I feel better, have more energy, sleep like a baby, and food taste so much better.  I am so excited  about my new weight loss and the way that I feel and have decided to continue following JJ Virgin's Diet regimen. 
According to JJ Virgin, by eliminating the 7 foods and gives your body a chance to chill out-clean-up from the previous poor diet. 
I am in Cycle 1 of the Virgin Diet, which is in the first 21 days of the diet regimen where I abstained from the NO NO foods and replenish my body with healing foods (www.jjvirgin.com).
The 7 Foods That Changed My Life
Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners
I dropped all 7 foods and my life will never be the same again.
It's a New Year and a New Day!
So stay with it!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Eat Healthy Lose Weight

Health O Meter

Day 7

The First 21 Days
Sooo Diary,
My morning weigh in on my retro Health-O-Meter scale in my lucky green and yellow John Deere socks revealed some very interesting results. Take a L@@K at the scale. This is incredible! Today is the 7th day of the Virgin Diet and I have lost 7½ pounds. Just a little over a pound a day. Unbelievable! Sounds great, but my jeans are still snug which indicate I've got more work to do. Anyway, I'm very pleased to see that the Virgin Diet really works if you follow it. From a  JJ Virgin Diet Follower to you.

Great Weigh In on Day 7 of the Virgin Diet

Its breakfast time now and instead of the Breakfast Smoothie( I'll have one tonight for dinner), I am having a cup of Java Latte and some brown rice cakes with nitrate free bacon and organic avocado slices. Yummy! This also makes an easy breakfast or lunch for those that are on the go.
Stay consistent for 21 days for Cycle 1 of the Virgin Diet.
For more Virgin Diet-Style recipes go to:



Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Get Organic

                                         Organic At Best

                                                                  Day  6
The First 21 Days

Dear Diary,
Today I went grocery shopping at Trader Joe with organic in mind.
Organic fruit and veggies are better because they are free from pesticides.   I like to grow some fruits and veggies in containers at home-that's organic too.

Read the labels on the fruit and vegetables or look for signage that indicate that its organic.  
I picked up these organic fruit and vegetables at Trader Joe's
  • Lemons
  • Apples
  • Onions-Yes, organic onion-they have extreme taste and smell
  • Garlic
  • Green Beans
  • Brown Rice Cakes
*Oranges and bananas are off-limit on the JJ Virgin Diet. Before I started the Virgin Diet, I used to have a glass of orange juice every  morning.  And now, no more!

. JJ Virgin says ,"You will go once or twice a week for your fresh foods including fruit and veggies".  You can  find a  "For the Staples Shopping List" on her website at  www.jjvirgin.com.
Stay consistent for 21 days for Cycle 1 of the Virgin Diet.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Control the Cravings

The Cravings

Day 5
The First  21 Days
Hey Diary,
You are not going to believe this... but it's the truth. My cravings for certain foods especially sugar seems to have disappeared. I thought that every cup of coffee needed sugar or agave until I started the Virgin Diet www.jjvirgindiet.com
After trying several ways to make my early morning coffee, I now have the perfect tip ( and its sugar-free and artificial sweetener-free)!
Here's my recipe for:
                                     Java Latte
Place hot brewed coffee in small electric blender cup,  add about one half teaspoon of ghee, and one half teaspoon of coconut oil.  Blend it all together and...Voilà!  Java Latte. It is really good and managed my desire for sugar. Next, I had a berry smoothie with blueberries and strawberries ( see my " Smooth Breakfast") post on how to make a Virgin Diet smoothie.
Stay consistent for 21 days for Cycle 1 of the Virgin Diet.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sugar By Any Other Name

                                       What's In A Name?

                                                 Day 4

The First 21 Days
The Virgin Diet Book
 JJ Virgin

Hello Diary,
This is Day 4 that I have officially be on the Virgin Diet. As you know, the first couple of days of January, I spent  procrastinating before purging both the pantry and fridge of all the things that are not acceptable on the Virgin Diet. Then I went shopping for the good foods, I called  Yes Yes foods, acceptable foods on the Virgin Diet. Then I stocked my pantry and fridge with the new foods. 

Today I went to the grocery stores Trader Joe and Whole Foods. While reading the labels and nutritional facts on foods, I discovered that sugar has many names and is added to some natural foods as well. For instance, a bag of frozen blackberries ingredients are  "Blackberries'  but a bag of frozen coconut listed its ingredients Coconut, Sugar (I was surprised-sugar added to coconut).Hmmm.
Needless to say, I got the frozen blackberries and did not get the frozen coconut. 
Label examinations are imperative to the success of the Virgin Diet. So just do it!
Here are some of the names for sugar and should be avoided: 
  • Brown sugar
  • Blackstrap molasses ( I use to take this daily-but not anymore)
  • Cane Sugar
  • Agave
  • Corn Syrup 
  • Molasses
  • Fructose
  • Maltodextrin
  • Lactose
  • Maple Syrup (Hmm... I use to drizzle it on my pancakes) Okay back to list
  • Glucose
  • Caramel
  • Raw Sugar
  • Syrup
  • Honey
  • Fruit Juice Concentrate
  • Sucrose
  • Artificial Sweeteners
Sugar by Any Name Is Sugar So Beware

According the Virgin Diet, Drop Seven Foods, For Seven Days and Lose Seven pounds.
Sugar is one of the 7 foods to avoid for the first cycle of the diet
I have a copy of the book, The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin and refer to it often. 
According to JJ Virgin, pull the seven highly reactive foods for the first 21 days for Cycle 1. Only eat the recommended healing food groups
Stay consistent for 21 days for Cycle 1 of the Virgin Diet.
Keep going!


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sleeping Is Golden

                                    Slumber Silence

                                                               Day 3
                                     The First 21 Days

Good Morning Diary,

Last night I got a really good night's sleep, did I say, really good night's sleep. Indeed!  Most nights I usually toss and turn or maybe get up occasionally during the night leaving me tired the next day. But last night was a "Good Night"! Although, I 'm not certain, but I think a good night's sleep can be attributed to my new diet.  According to JJ Virgin, lack of sleep increases fat storage..   http://jjvirgin.com/fast-fat-loss-virgin-diet-great-nights-sleep/
Sleep is very important. Here are things that help me prepare for sleep:
  • Unwind by reading a good book before going to bed
  • Take  a warm bath before bed
  • Listen to music
  • Have a cup of decaffeinated tea 
I nearly forgot that its time for my "Great Weigh In" dundundun...
Down by 3½ Pounds
It is Day 3 on the Virgin Diet www.jjvirgin.com and I've lost nearly four pounds. That's amazing! Jaw dropping...  It's working!
Okay, now it's time for breakfast, I think I'll have a Blueberry Breakfast Smoothie today.
According to JJ Virgin, pull the seven highly reactive foods for the first 21 days of Cycle 1. Only eat the recommended healing food groups.
Good Day Diary!