Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready !

                                      Start Your Engines

                                              Day 1

                                                                  Cycle 1
                                     The First 21 Days

Okay Diary,

Shopping for my new YES YES Foods is done. Wow! That was sooo much fun and the people at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's were so helpful.  I found everything on my list except the Suzie's Thin Rice Cakes and the Brown Rice Crackers.  Maybe, I'll try and get them online. Now, my pantry and fridge have a new look.

Start 21 Days Virgin Diet
According to JJ Virgin, pull the seven highly reactive foods for the first 21 days for Cycle 1.

Today, I made my first JJ Virgin Pea Protein Smoothie in my Nutribullet. This smoothie is awesome, taste great and is quite filling. It can easily be used as a meal replacement but not with meals.

JJ Virgin Protein Smoothie
  • 10 frozen blueberries (you can use strawberries, cranberries, blackberries, or  raspberries)I l like blueberries
  • 2/3 cup of So Delicious (unsweetened ) coconut milk
  • 2-3 dash of Stevia (more or less according to taste)
Blended that until it got smooth and then I add:
  • 1 scoop of Growing Naturals Vanilla Blast Yellow Pea Protein
  • 1 tablespoon of Chia ( Chia or Flax)
Blend until smooth.
Bottoms Up! It's really good.
Do not save smoothie for later because it may get thick or lumpy.
Mmm, this smoothie is very tasty and satisfying. Next time, I 'll try it with strawberries.
I'm having a smoothie tomorrow for breakfast and try it with some frozen strawberries
Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready! I going to start my engine and do The Virgin Diet.
Goodbye Diary,

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