Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Purging

                                                      The  Purging
Hello Diary,
         Today I am cleansing my pantry and ridding my fridge any foods that are not part of the JJ Virgin Diet.  There are 7 (seven) foods that  I can't have on this diet.  Ridding myself of these food will  improve my health, help me sleep better, give me more energy (I can certainly use some more energy), and  help me lose weight. The forbidden foods I call my NO NO! foods. No Gluten, No Soy, No Diary, No Peanuts, No Corn, No Eggs, No Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners- Yep, NO NO foods. Check with  www.jjvirgin.com  if you need help.
Okay, purging is going to take awhile, so I'll let you know how it goes.
                    "NO NO" FOODS
Nutrition Fact Information listed on each product is very important with this diet regimen. By reading the label I found "NO NO" foods hidden in the nutrition facts. So far, I've  finished purging my pantry shelves, now for the fridge. 
I must remember to read the labels. 

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