Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Monday, January 25, 2016

25 Poundage Challenge

"The Poundage Challenge"

The 25lb. Weight Loss Challenge

Day 19
The First 21 Days



It's on Diary,

Get This Challenge Started Right

Let's get this challenge started right... Let's  get this challenge started right...Let's get this challenge started right!

January 2016 brought about a change in my life when on January 1, I declared my New Years Resolution to be healthier and reduce my poundage by becoming a JJ Virgin Diet Follower. I 've already lost 12 pounds on this amazingly easy to follow Virgin Diet regimen and now... right now, the challenge, is to lose a total of 25 pounds by Day 21.  Yep, that's right,  Day 21. That's in a couple of days and, well do the math! Here's how I'm going to do it.
By simply following these steps www.jjvirgindiet.com :
  • Each morning, drink a glass of water first thing, if the taste is not good for me I 'll add fresh squeezed lemon. Stay hydrated throughout the day
  • Start my day with a Breakfast Smoothie-Virgin Diet Shake
Drink smoothie within 1 hour of waking up 
1-2 scoops yellow pea vanilla blast protein
1-2  tablespoons chia/flax seeds(ground)
1 cup of unsweetened So Delicious Coconut or Almond milk
½-1 cup of frozen berries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries
Stevia (sweeten to taste) (optional)
Blend in electric blender until smooth
Drink up! Yummy good!
  • The Virgin Plate for lunch or dinner
The Virgin Plate consist of  clean lean proteins (grass-fed beef, hormone-free, free-range chicken, pea-rice protein, wild cold water fish, etc.), healthy fats(avocado, coconut milk, olive oil, olives, chia /flax seeds, etc.), nuts, high-fiber, low glycemic carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, beets, black beans, lima beans, okra, etc. ), fruit( apples, berries)nonstarchy vegetables ( garlic, cabbage, onions, kale, spinach, broccoli, etc.)

  • Dinner- Smoothie/Virgin Shake or Virgin Plate
  • Eat 3-4 hours before bedtime
  • Drink a glass/cup of water before retiring for bed
  • Exercise -Walk
I have to remember to read the labels and look for clean labels when shopping at Trader Joe's, Fresh Market and Whole Food.

Okay Diary,
That's it!
 Sooo..Let's get this challenge started right!
25 lbs. Weight Loss Challenge


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