Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sugar By Any Other Name

                                       What's In A Name?

                                                 Day 4

The First 21 Days
The Virgin Diet Book
 JJ Virgin

Hello Diary,
This is Day 4 that I have officially be on the Virgin Diet. As you know, the first couple of days of January, I spent  procrastinating before purging both the pantry and fridge of all the things that are not acceptable on the Virgin Diet. Then I went shopping for the good foods, I called  Yes Yes foods, acceptable foods on the Virgin Diet. Then I stocked my pantry and fridge with the new foods. 

Today I went to the grocery stores Trader Joe and Whole Foods. While reading the labels and nutritional facts on foods, I discovered that sugar has many names and is added to some natural foods as well. For instance, a bag of frozen blackberries ingredients are  "Blackberries'  but a bag of frozen coconut listed its ingredients Coconut, Sugar (I was surprised-sugar added to coconut).Hmmm.
Needless to say, I got the frozen blackberries and did not get the frozen coconut. 
Label examinations are imperative to the success of the Virgin Diet. So just do it!
Here are some of the names for sugar and should be avoided: 
  • Brown sugar
  • Blackstrap molasses ( I use to take this daily-but not anymore)
  • Cane Sugar
  • Agave
  • Corn Syrup 
  • Molasses
  • Fructose
  • Maltodextrin
  • Lactose
  • Maple Syrup (Hmm... I use to drizzle it on my pancakes) Okay back to list
  • Glucose
  • Caramel
  • Raw Sugar
  • Syrup
  • Honey
  • Fruit Juice Concentrate
  • Sucrose
  • Artificial Sweeteners
Sugar by Any Name Is Sugar So Beware

According the Virgin Diet, Drop Seven Foods, For Seven Days and Lose Seven pounds.
Sugar is one of the 7 foods to avoid for the first cycle of the diet
I have a copy of the book, The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin and refer to it often. 
According to JJ Virgin, pull the seven highly reactive foods for the first 21 days for Cycle 1. Only eat the recommended healing food groups
Stay consistent for 21 days for Cycle 1 of the Virgin Diet.
Keep going!


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