Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Toss It Out

Fridge and Pantry Toss


Hey Diary,
As you know,  a few days ago, I began the process of getting rid of all the items in my fridge and pantry (The Purging) that I are not part of my new JJ Virgin Diet. The JJ Virgin Diet will be a lifestyle-changer, and following it won't be easy but offers long-term benefits.
Okay back to the process....
 Toss It Out!
The Pantry Toss - pantry and cabinet items (NO NO foods) that a JJ Virgin Diet Follower should not have.
I tossed out:
  1. Pancake Mix- Hot pancakes in the morning are great a pat of melted butter and drizzle of        Maple syrup...Wait!! Sorry about that I just had a nostalgic moment. Anyway, onward! Reading the Nutritional Facts Information on the side of the box, I found the hidden NO NO foods in my glorious pancakes. Tossed.
  2. Syrup-Corn Syrup, Fructose
  3. Sugar, Honey
  4. Bread
  5. Chips (Read the label-some are not bad)
  6. All Bran
  7. Breadcrumbs
  8. Canned foods
  9. Vegetable Oil
  10. Pie crust mix
  11. Cake mix
  12. Soy sauce
  13. Candy
  14. Cookies
  15. Flour-Cornmeal
  16. Corn
  17. Peanut Butter- no peanut butter is going to be challenging-it one of my favorites
  18. Grits
  19. Much much  more
Remember to read the labels
I refer back to JJ Virgins Diet at www.jjvirgin.com for professional advise and reasons why and how the 7 foods (NO NO foods) caused my weight gain.
Fridge Toss
Today, I finished tossing out everything in the refrigerator that are not a part of my new JJ Virgin Diet regimen.
I tossed out:
  1. Eggs
  2. Mayonnaise
  3. Butter
  4. Margarine
  5. Half and Half Creamer
  6. Yogurt
  7. Cheese... by the way, I love Cheese(especially with my ham, egg, and cheese omelet in the mornings) Mmm... Bye Bye Cheese!
  8. Orange juice...Uhh!
  9. Salad dressings (contained Soybean, High fructose, Cheese, palyokw cehowosxks#2mdl*...(I can't pronounce it and don't know it ). Rule #1. If  I can't pronounce or know it, I don't want it!
  10. Jelly, Jams and Preserves with High fructose, corn syrup-the hidden NO NO foods
  11. Pickles with additives
  12. Mustard
  13. Bacon with nitrates
Okay. that enough! Well, you get the picture. Toss it! Everything that's not recommended on the JJ Virgin Diet  at www.jjvirgin.com
Wow, my fridge and pantry look pretty clean after the Toss It Out session. Now it time to go shopping for my YES YES Foods for my new Virgin regimen.
Goodbye Diary,

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