Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Good Fats To Lose Fat

Get Clean Healthy Fats

Day 38

Cycle 1

Dear Diary,
I always thought that fats were unhealthy. Some years back I went through the entire "Fat-Free Era", when everything, and I mean everything claimed to be "Fat-Free". There was fat-free butter, fat-free milk, fat-free cheese, fat-free chips, fat-free breads, fat-free cookies, fat-free chips and fat-free this and fat-free that- the fat-free labels was slapped on nearly every food product. I was not certain just what Fat-Free really meant. It seemed a bit confusing... and, back then, I remember thinking... that's ludicrous! There was no way that I could have total elimination from fats in my diet and be healthy.  I thought that I might need fats to sort of hold things inside my body to together, ahhh, kind of like the way glue holds things together. Well, anyway, that what I thought...  Now, I admit that I am no expert on these things, but from my understanding, fats have purpose... yes, indeed, fats have a purpose.  Reason being, I need fats in my diet in order to lose fat. Say What! Exactly!
Sounds strange to have fats in my diet to lose fat....Hmmm. But it's true only if its "Good Fats".

I now realize that fats are extremely important and I need them to sustain health. But, not just any fats, and  not bad unhealthy fats, but good clean healthy fats such as:
  • Coconut oil/milk
  • Raw nuts( almonds are good but walnuts are my favorite)
  • Olive oil
  • Wild salmon(wild cold water fish-I love salmon)
  • Raw chia, flax or hemp seeds
Just to name a few... 
The Virgin Diet is practically centered around these clean healthy fats. There is no wonder why The Virgin Diet smoothies/ shakes  use Coconut milk, chia and flax seeds(clean healthy fats)  to make a complete nutritious meal.   The smoothies are delicious too!
From now on, I'm going to stick with the good, clean, healthy fats and stay away from the bad unhealthy fats.
That works for me!
For more details about Clean Healthy Fats get a copy of The Virgin Diet book by JJ Virgin.
Until next time, Diary,
From a JJ Virgin Diet Follower

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