Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Like a Feather

Feeling Lighter

Day 35

Cycle 1

Dear Diary,
 So, I survived Fat Tuesday and celebrated Mardi Gras The Virgin Diet style by making a very nutritious and tasty, "Fat Tuesday Smoothie".  It was awesome!! 
I have to says that with The Virgin Diet, I feel better, sleep better, have more energy, my taste buds are working( food taste so much better now), I'm more focused(clearer thinking-no more spacey head) feel lighter (feeling lighter..it's soooo weird...well anyway, more about that later), and I'm losing weight.
Feeling lighter actually sounds funny to me, but I really do feel lighter. I first noticed it about 3 weeks ago, one night while I was sleeping, I'd turn from one side to the other and it seemed  totally effortless.  I felt like a feather floating on a cloud...something like that. It was the most bizarre thing and thought I had imagined it all. Then, it happened again, this time during the night, as I flipped over to my other side, I did it with amazing ease. Now, I even notice it when I'm walking around especially when walking at the mall or grocery store. 
I am not sure whether the sensations of feeling lighter are due to my weight loss or to my body getting rid of those "NO NO" foods. Perhaps, it was the "NO NO" foods that made me feel weighted down-like I had no energy and needed a nap during the day as well as being the culprit for my weight gain.  Those "NO NO" foods that I'm talking about are Soy, Eggs, Glutens, Sugar and artificial sweeteners, Corn, Peanuts, and Dairy. I stopped eating them 35 days ago when I started The Virgin Diet and the results are incredible! 
Whatever it is, I have never felt, and I mean never felt so good as I do today!
Pretty soon, I will start in Cycle 2, where I revisit and test some of the "NO NO" foods that I've stopped eating. The test would be to see how I respond to the foods.
I am really anxious to find out what food intolerances and sensitivities I have, but I'll wait until Cycle 2.
It's the JJ Virgin Diary Follower saying,
Goodbye Diary,  

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