Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Get Hydration


Drink Some Water

Day 41

Cycle 1

Dear Diary,

Water... Good old H2o.
I know that staying hydrated by drinking water is key to my weight loss success. For me, drinking water helps curb my appetite and minimizes some of the cravings that I get between meals.
However, during the winter months, I seem to drink less water, primarily due to the cold weather conditions and prefer to have something hot to drink. I really have to force myself to stay on a regular hydration schedule. For healthy water intake, it's best to drink filtered water. Last summer, I purchased a Mavea filtration pitcher as my water filtering option for my tap water. It is made of BPA-free plastic, filters out 40 chemicals and minerals, and when full it supplies 9 glasses of water. The water taste great and coffee is amazingly good.  It works great!
Sometimes drinking water can be boring at times and so occasionally I'd squeeze a organic lemon and or lime into a glass of water add a drop or two of Stevia for a yummy lemonade and limeade. The taste is incredible. I also like drinking a nice hot cup of freshly brewed green tea as well-that's another option.  The other day I got real creative with my daily water intake mission and created what I call a Cranberry Cooler. It's very simple to make.
Here my recipe for:
         Cranberry Cooler
  • 1/2-1 cup of frozen cranberries
  • 16 ounces of coconut water
Place cranberries and coconut water in blender and mix together.
Pour into a glass and drink. It's very refreshing and a great way to satisfy your daily water intake requirements. Yummy good too!

Drink Water

For healthy water intake, I follow these Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin's guidelines

  • Put a water filter on every tap in the house( I use a Mavea water filtration systems)
  • Track your water intake in your food journal
  • Water will curb your appetite , but if you want more help add 5-10 grams of fiber into some water and drink it 30 minute before meals
I found more information and resources at JJ Virgin's website.
Until Later,
Goodbye Diary,

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