Diary Of A JJ Virgin Diet Follower Why Do I Want To Do This? My sister who was fifty pounds overweight, diagnosed with high blood pressure,obese, suffered from insomnia, and low energy. In October 2013 she started on the JJ Virgin Diet and by March 2014, five month later she was down fifty-two pounds...

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Meatless Fridays

Lenten Choices

Cycle 1

Day 52

Dear Diary,
The first week of January 2016, I started following The Virgin Diet with hopes of losing weight and improving my overall health.  It was my 2016 New Years Resolution. Although, I was somewhat reluctant at first, I decided to take the plunge anyway. And, so far the journey has been wonderful! Really,... wonderful, I mean,  for the first time, ever, I have been able to see obvious signs of my health improvement and weight loss.  
Right now, I'm in Cycle 1 of The Virgin Diet, where I stopped eating the 7 foods: Soy, Corn, Gluten, Peanuts, Sugar and artificial sweeteners, Dairy, and Eggs(forbidden foods). The results have been quite beneficially astounding!  I've lost 23lbs, my sleeping has much improved, no need for daily power nap( usually after lunch), I'm feeling lighter, no more brain fog, smooth supple skin, more energy(I get more thing done doing the day), experience less cravings, and, I can go on forever, but... I won't.
Anyway, now that the season of Lent is here, I  initially wondered what would I eat on Fridays as I needed to abstain from meat. Oh boy!, I thought. No meat on Fridays...nooo,  problem.
Really,  no problem because with The Virgin Diet,  I can enjoy 2-3, 6oz. servings of low mercury seafood per week. Whoo Hoo!! That's like music to my ears.
Here are some amazing suggestions for my meatless Fridays:
  1. Calamari/Squid ( I love Calamari, seasoned -salt and pepper, and almond milk, coated with almond flour, lightly fried in olive oil in skillet-Yummy! Add a salad and it's a meal
  2.  Salmon (Baked with garlic and onions drizzled olive oil in cast iron skillet)
  3. Shrimp (Coconut shrimp-5-6 medium shrimps, seasoned with Steitenbacher Herb Salt and coconut milk and coated with coconut flour and cook in coconut oil. Lovely!
  4. Fresh flounder( Baked- lightly season and add some Ghee) Really good!
  5. Seafood Medley(Scallops, calamari, shrimp, clam mix found in the frozen food section of Trader Joe's Market, fresh herbs, rosemary, basil, thyme, sea salt, fresh ground pepper. It makes a delicious Seafood Medley Soup. Soo good! Add an avocado salad and...,  Eureka! A meatless meal.
Seafood Medley/Brown Rice  Soup

    For more about Low mercury seafood I read The Virgin Diet Book and  check out some of JJ Virgin's online resources. Great diet, good, what more!
    Until later,
    Goodbye Diary

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